#l stands for luck ♡



Imagine a ballroom setting and seeing your F/O through the crowd. When they spot you, they smile at the sight of you and start making their way through the throngs of people. Are they walking slow, reveling in the buildup of tension before they finally reach you? Or are they nearly running towards you, foregoing propriety in order to reach you faster? Or are you the one making your way to them?

When they doreach you, they hold out their hand and ask you dance with them. (If you approached them, you do this)

If you accept, you spend the evening in each other’s arms, dancing with eyes only for the one you love.

If you don’t (i.e. you’re not one for ballroom dancing or you can’t dance for whatever reason), perhaps a stroll through the nearby gardens under the moonlight?

Either way, your F/O wants to spend the entire evening by your side.
