#la raza anthology


Alejandro Bruzzese is a Montevideo-born, New York City-based cartoonist and graphic designer. His personal work includes self-published comics Leave This Bright World and THRST, and his animated web comic Proxy. His work has also been featured in God Hates Astronauts, The Legend of Luther Strode, Dracula: Son of the Dragon, Feral NYC, and Bartkira.

Latinxs are taking over outer space!! Or at least they are in Alejandro Bruzzese’s work. Get ready to get swept into a dreamlike world of aliens, robots and space adventurers!


His comic Proxy paves way for innovative webcomics with beautifully animated panels that form a captivating story. Having a great eye for dramatic compositions and shading, Alejandro does an excellent job creating a suspenseful story that transitions well into a sci-fi movie. We highly recommend reading it!


Featured in La Raza anthology is Alejandro’s comic Extranjero, a touching story dedicated to his father’s struggle immigrating to the U.S. with a mythic exaggerated twist. 

We believe his story will reach out to those who have experienced immigration in a similar way or know someone who has…


We look forward to more inspiring works by Alejandro. Check out his stuff at: alejandrobruzzese.com

Stay tuned for more information on our anthology and for more Latin American Artist Spotlights!


Join us for a night of celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month as we present artwork by talented Latin Americans that will be featured in our upcoming anthology LA RAZA: UNIDOS Y FUERTES. The show will take place Saturday October 10th held at The Living Gallery located at 1094 Broadway, Brooklyn, New York 11221 from 7pm-11pm

Featuring over 30 creators from all over the world, LA RAZA anthology is filled with works celebrating and analyzing the vibrant cultures of Latin America. Our goal is to give creators the proper recognition and the chance to address important issues such as assimilation, racism, self identity, and cultural pride. (In a way It’s a love letter to our people with an emphasis on self-acceptance!)

We hope this show would give both Latinx & non-Latinx audience a chance to connect and understand where we come from! And of course a Latin party would be nothing without free food, cervezas, and festive music!

So join us for a fun night, bring your amigitos too!!

Gracias ♥


Alberto Larrañaga ‘Bort’, Alejandro Bruzzese, Ale Carrasco Lepijina, Alexandra Barboza, Alexandra Martinez, Andrea Esquivel Dávalos, Andrea Zambrano, Brianna Valdez, Carmen Pizarro, Carolina Fernandez, Carolina Gonzalez , Constanza Taboada, Cynthia J. Zapata, Daisy Ruiz, Daniela Iglesias, Eric Arroyo, Estephanie Morales, Gabriela Morales, Giulia Zielasko, Ismael Flores Ruvalcaba, Joamette Gil, Jordan R. Marco, Juliette Lopez, Kat Fajardo, Kim Morales, Luisa Gabriela Rivera Reza, Luis Roldan, Dante Luiz, Melissa Ayala Estrada, Mirelle Ortega, Myra Lara, Pablo A. Castro, Paola Klug, Stephanie Bailey, Stephanie Rodriguez, Susana Isabel, Tiffany Rodriguez, Todd Gastelum, Vivian Martinez, William Keops Ibañez and Xavier Lorié!

Here’s our FB event for more details: https://www.facebook.com/events/409464949246961/
