#lab rats elite force


wait kaz changes himself into bree in “the list” AND “sheepshifting”….. okay. gender envy.

throwing out stuff from college. i always love imagining how fictional characters sign their names

now im sad because the plot stuff that happens in the final episode of lref is actually SO FUN and super compelling and could have gone in a lot of cool directions. but why did you wait until the very last episode to do that. why did we need to see oliver and skylar abduct an olympic athlete from the hospital. why did perry have to walk on a tightrope.

anyway read my fic it’s like elite force season two

reese attacking bree’s dad: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!

reese realizing bree attacked her dad: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.

i know it’s for dramatic effect but chase and bree in “the attack” being like ready to die to defend the city because they can’t call the superheroes for backup. like don’t you have two more bionic siblings and also a whole island of bionic heroes you could call.

they’re dating :)
