
Here’s the Kyrie I drew for 「Ladies First」!I’m happy to have been able to draw such a cute girl for

Here’s the Kyrie I drew for 「Ladies First」!

I’m happy to have been able to draw such a cute girl for a BL collab~
She really is great!

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blvncollabs: 「Ladies First」 is a multi-fandom collection of fanart and fanfiction made by different


「Ladies First」 is a multi-fandom collection of fanart and fanfiction made by different users to celebrate their favourite BL visual novel titles.

The works in this collab are all connected with the theme of “female characters in BLVNs.” Participants were invited to create fanworks centring around the various female side characters that support (and sometimes oppose) the protagonists in this, by definition, very male-centric genre, as a way of giving them some much-deserved time in the spotlight.

The final product of this collab. has been presented in the form of an online anthology, featuring over a dozen different characters from a range of different BLVNs.

Click here to view online(best viewed in full-screen mode)

Click here to download as a pdf

Huge thank you to everyone who took part! Without your efforts, this collab. would never have existed!

We hope you all enjoy looking through everyone’s fanworks!

Keep reading

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blvncollabs:There’s now just under two weeks left to sign up to take part in this female character


There’s now just under two weeks left to sign up to take part in this female character-centred BLVN fanwork collab!

If you’re interested, be sure to check out this page for more information!

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blvncollabs: A female character-centred multimedia BL visual novel fanwork collab. You’re invited to


A female character-centred multimedia BL visual novel fanwork collab.

You’re invited to participate in a collaborative project hoping to bring together BLVN fans across various visual novel fanbases. The aim is to create a multi-fandom collection of fanart and fanfiction made by different users to celebrate their favourite BL visual novels.

In this collab, participants will create fanworks of their favourite games centring around the various female side characters that support (and sometimes oppose) the protagonists in this, by definition, very male-centric genre.

For more information about the format of this collab. and how you can take part, please see this page.

Please feel free to send a message via this blog’s ask box,contact us on twitterorjoin our discord server if you want to know more.

We hope you can join in to make this collab a success!

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