#lady of autumn



sexta-feira - 06. 05. 2022

headcanon: I really think Gwyn is related to the Vanserras and I can’t stop thinking about a scene when they all find out Beron is (finally) dead :)

Eris: oh, he passed away?



Eris: …alright, when’s my official coronation-


Lucien:-funeral! when’s the official funeral… *frustrated in emissary but holding back a smirk*

*the Autumn Court family photo we need*


Lucien Vanserra Week Day 6, Family Ties

(kinda late with this for day 6 BUT-)

I was thinking a lot about future Day Court Lucien and Helion and LOA and basically I really want Lucien to have a little sister, so:

- LOA and Helion weren’t really trying for more kids but it just kinda happened

- They have a little girl - it would be cool if she was kinda the opposite looks-wise - as in she looks a lot like LOA but she has Helion’s coloring, with black hair and amber eyes

- at first LOA and Helion are worried about it being awkward, because’s Lucien’s childhood was so messed up and now his sister gets like the perfect upbringing?

- but Lucien loves her instantly and just dotes on her - he really enjoys getting to be the older sibling, especially giving her the support he lacked from his brothers growing up

- she gets into lots of trouble (she’s a curious, mischievous little thing) and whenever LOA and Helion try to discipline her he’s the one who sneaks her sweets and toys (Helion would totally WANT to do this but LOA raised 7 kids already, she’s taking no crap, and she makes him stand firm with her so they present a unified front)

- she always wants Lucien to do fire tricks, and he has so much fun showing off for her

- this kinda backfires (literally) when her powers start manifesting at 5 years old - “what are you doing?!” “I’m doing the fire trick like Lu!”

- yeah I think she should call him Lu it would be adorable

-When she gets older she goes to Lucien for fashion advice - (“I am not asking dad, he wears different variations of the same toga every single day! You’re the only one in this family with any sense of style”)

I just think it would be neat

