#lady tk fanfics


Strawberry Kisses follows the short story of Chadwick and Anna on how they met and how they ended up falling apart later on in their marriage which is mentioned in Honey Love and how they picked the pieces back up after…

  • Chapter 1 (coming soon)

Where you belong master list…

26 year old Abigail has the typical southern life, life where you’re expected to be married and raising children by 30 and with a decent job. Fortunately for Abigail, that’s not in her plans. She has dreams of building her own orphanage and a children’s foundation for the less fortunate. This may seem cliche to some but to Abigail it means a lot. She was raised by her grandmother and the neighborhood, or“the village”, as she calls them. Never knew her much of her mother and has no clue who her father is. While preparing to move away from Georgia, she gets a letter from a woman named Vera who is claiming to be one of Abigail’s 4 biological sisters from her father. Vera states that their father has passed and she would like to meet her. Excited and somewhat scared, Abigail goes to Chicago to find that the other 3 aren’t as welcoming as Vera and neither is their mother.

*this not a Chadwick, tchalla, Erik, Mbj fanfic….just a normal story

  1. Chapter 1 (coming soon)