#last book challenge


Last Book I …. challenge

I wasn’t tagged, I saw it on @lizziethereader’s blog and wanted join in.
Bought: Colonial Williamsburg reprint of the Articles of Confederation, and a few other reprints they make.
Borrowed: I don’t borrow because I am as bad as everyone else, I tend to not return books and forget about them and then discover them years later and feel awful for stealing someone’s book. Therefore, I don’t borrow (or lend).
Was gifted: Some books by Edith Wharton.
Gave to someone else: I don’t know, it was several years ago now.
‍♀️ Started: Analects by Confucius
✅ Finished:Nat Turner by Kyle Baker
✨ Gave 5 stars: Nat Turner by Kyle Baker
‍♀️ Gave 2 stars: My Favorite Thing is Monsters by Emil Ferris
Didn’t finish: Maus I by Art Spiegelman.
I tag @espanhois@roentgeniuum@dust-of-fandoms&@studium-stardust as well as anyone who wants to share books in a short questionnaire format.
