#last command


Over the last two weeks I’ve tried out a ton of demos, on account of the Summer Games Fest and Steam Next Fest. Most of them were pretty cool, but there’s one I’d really like to highlight: Last Command.

This is Bullet Hell Snake. It starts out like normal, good ol’ Snake, but then you get a dash/dodge and a focus mode. You also get special attacks, and the whole conceit of the game is using the dots (”data” in this game) you collect to attack enemies. It’s insanely creative and after trying to demo, it’s kind of shocking to think about how Snake has never really been iterated upon in the way a lot of other old, simple games have.

Supposedly it’ll be coming out before the end of the Summer, so if you have Steam, give it a looksee. The demo also isn’t a chunk of the game, it’s a totally separate little story.
