#lauren friends




lot to say about the alsmp dragon fight, but i think the following things still stand out to me most:

  • the fact that joel had to warn lizzie that fall damage is carried through the end portal. imagining the timeline where no one caught lizzie to warn her that and everyone was instantly killed. it would have been horrible but it also would have been really funny.
  • lizzie’s just. INSTANT karma. like it was instant for doing that. i will really miss raccoon lizzie but i have to say the instant karma was. extremely funny.
  • whatever oli was doing, part one: joel had to get rescued from endermen by trapping them in a boat, so oli went “i should be in a boat too” and joel had to break him out of the boat because oli decided he’d get trapped in it
  • whatever oli was doing, part two: he kept calling the dragon mommy
  • joel yelling at the others for placing water (because water kills him). meanwhile they were placing water because water kills endermen. a very important distinction.
  • the entire scramble for the dragon egg. oli who wanted to bring back his mother (joel, shouting: YOU DON’T EVEN NEED IT TO BRING BACK YOUR MOMMY LEARN MINECRAFT GOD), jimmy who wanted it… seemingly to annoy everyone else, scott who seemed to be causing problems on purpose, and joel who decided he wanted the egg and proceeded to have the worst time of his life
  • i cannot emphasize enough how just incredibly peeved joel ended up getting over that egg it was SO FUNNY
  • jimmy facing somewhat more delayed karma for the egg thing. once again: will miss jimmy’s current origin but he MAYBE deserved that a little,
  • joel’s inability to kill oli because oli’s arms were too long for him

all-in-all, good dragon fight guys, had a good time watching that

My additional fave parts:

  • Joel, knowing what Lizzie was planning, still stepping into the elevator
  • The comedic timing of “Where’s fWhip?” And he’s right in the middle of the circle
  • Several people taking the time to mine stuff in the end
  • The fact that we have 3 POVs and there’s maybe like 2 seconds max where we have any proof Callum died
  • Scott just completely ignoring the Egg during the shenanigans and mining all the blocks from the end and he still gets the Egg in the end.
  • Lizzie … you are dead
  • The fact that none of them knew it was a dragon fight and most were willing to accept that they were living in the End before fighting the dragon

There’s so much going on at all times and I love it I need more POVs like yesterday.


