
I don’t normally do pink But this #chicsparrowduchess was simply divine and quickly stole my heart w

I don’t normally do pink But this #chicsparrowduchess was simply divine and quickly stole my heart when it was given to me via the Second Chance Sale. Of course I had to decorate the front cover to match . Blue and pink happen to go very well together, and so I’m taking full advantage.
I made this dashboard via scraps of scrapbooking paper I had lying around. I find that I enjoy the creative process of creating decorations that strike me.
#travelersnotebook #travelersnotebookinserts #tn #b6 #b6travelersnotebook #jibuntecho #jibuntechob6slim #chicsparrow #chicsparrowcommunity #chicsparrowcarrollduchess #chicsparrowcarroll #laurenphelpsdesigns #oli_u_clip #planneraddict #planner #plannercommunity #delfonicsutilitypouch #edc

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Saying “Hello” to September means I’m saying hello to more than just a new month in my planner. Fall

Saying “Hello” to September means I’m saying hello to more than just a new month in my planner. Fall is about new goals and new routines. Maybe it’s the beginning of a new semester, but I’m more energized to set goals in the fall than in the new year.
This fall I’m saying hello to a new University and a new way of taking classes.
I’m saying hello to more memory keeping and reflection in my planner this month. I’m saying hello to new routines and new head spaces. So hello to September!
#helloseptember #hellofall #cocodaisyplannerchallenge #stalogy #stalogyobsessed #stalogy365 #stalogyb6 #stalogylover #stalogynotebook #stalogybujo #stalogyplanner #travelersnotebook #travelersnotebooks #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6travelersnotebook #b6tn #b6stalogy365 #b6stalogy365 #laurenphelpsdesigns #acetate #vellum #vellumdashboard #planneraddict #planner #plannercommunity #plannerlove #plannerlife #succulents

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10 pages left…. . I gave up on my #travelersnotebook because my Stalogy was just too chunky .

10 pages left….
I gave up on my #travelersnotebook because my Stalogy was just too chunky . I’ll be back in my TN next week when I’m in my new planner!
#stalogy #stalogynotebook #stalogy365daily #stalogy365 #stalogyb6 #laurenphelpsdesigns #goodbyeseptember #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #bulletjournalspread #daily #dailylayout #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #planneraddict #planner

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It’s almost tiiiime!. . . . . . . . . . #stalogy #stalogy365 #stalogyb6 #stalogylover #stalogynote

It’s almost tiiiime!
#stalogy #stalogy365 #stalogyb6 #stalogylover #stalogynotebook #stalogybujo #stalogyhalfyear #b6 #b6stalogy #b6planner #b6travelersnotebook #travelersnotebook #laurenphelpsdesigns #tn #b6tn #planneraddict #planner #plannercommunity #chicsparrow

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