#laurie blake



sooo angela has loved and lost manhattan and there’s literally only one other person in the world who knows what that’s like …laurie. actually they have SOO much in common like so much in common its a THERMODYNAMIC MIRACLE. shared family trauma, what it’s like to be a masked vigilante and the loneliness that comes with it, their families being famous masked vigilantes as well. Like these are two complex powerful women who have been through so much and have walls up around others but there’s that potential they can let their walls down around each other IN CONCLUSION if there ever is a season 2 they should bond and fall in love


so, laurie still into dr manhattan, but now, technically, angela is dr manhattan, then laurie and angela could…. haha just kidding…


lesbiansails: I’m about to become the most powerful man alive, Laurie. Waving my dick in people’s falesbiansails: I’m about to become the most powerful man alive, Laurie. Waving my dick in people’s fa


I’m about to become the most powerful man alive, Laurie. Waving my dick in people’s faces is just overkill.

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