#lavia frons



Animal of the Day!

Yellow-winged Bat (Lavia frons)

(Photo by Adria Lopez-Baucells)

Conservation Status- Least Concern

Habitat-Central Africa

Size (Weight/Length)- 30 g; 80 mm; 36 cm wingspan


Cool Facts- This large species of bat may have the cutest nose in the animal kingdom. Females tend to be a little larger than the males and all yellow-winged bats sport the yellow-white color scheme. Yellow-winged bats mate for life and control a small territory. The pairs will sleep together in trees where the male is fiercely protective of the female. Females tend to give birth in April during the start of the rainy season. Each mother has only one baby who will cling to their mother’s chest while she flies. These babies are capable of flight after only a week and leave their parents after about three months. The bat’s huge ears help them locate prey and their surroundings. Considered a false vampire bat, the yellow-winged bat eats only insects despite its appearance.

Rating-11/10 (Just a ‘lil puff ball.)
