#layla el faouly one shot



Layla El-Faouly xgn!reader

word count: 326

warnings:none! just fluff. morning piece. no moonknight spoilers!

a/nthis is my first gn story! i am so excited. i hope you guys like it, its kind of short but its sweet. 

summaryLayla and Y/N spend a morning together


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read time: 1 min 11 seconds


Maybe putting chapstick on in the middle of the night when you woke up to go to the bathroom was a bad idea. Your lips were still sticky, moist with the humid air. Layla turned in bed, and so did the fan oscillating in the corner. Her beautiful brown hair got stuck in your lips, waking you out of your deep slumber. 

A quick pfft from you and the pulling of her hair was enough to wake Layla up. “Y/N?” she asked, turning over with a confused look. “Were you just eating my hair?” she questioned, a slight confused smile emerged on her face. 

“No- the fan blew your hair, I have chapstick on-” “Ohh okay. I get it now.” she sighed, scooting back into your embrace. “What time is it?” you asked her. Layla scooted to the edge of the bed and looked at the alarm clock. 

“Fifteen minutes before the alarm goes off,” 

She moved back into her position, her hair attacking you once again. You attempted to move it out of the way. 

“Is it really thatbad?” she asked you, turning over in bed. “No, it is just deciding to disturb my personal space this morning,” you smirked. “You think I should cut it?” Layla asked, grabbing it with her hand and throwing her hair behind her shoulder. 

“No, I love your hair.” you said, shocked. “Hmm,” Layla hummed. “What else do you love about me?” she asked. 

You chuckled a bit. “Everything.” “I need specifics,”

You studied her face intently. “Your passion.” you began. “Your eyes, your freckles, your nose, my god I love your nose.” you said, giving her a tiny boop on the face. “Seriously Layla, I love everything about you. I would be a fool not to.” you said, holding her closer in your embrace. 

Layla extended her neck and gave you a tiny kiss. After she pulled away, she rubbed her lips together. 

“Was that chapstick cherry?”


tag list: @dani5216@uwiuwi@alohastyles-x@samanthacookieone@maddieinnit0
