#lazy studying




I’m not saying you’re lazy but you’re human and you wear out quickly.

1. Take good notes the first time around. I see some people say rewriting them is a good way to memorize but let’s be honest, you’re not going to do that. Instead bite the bullet and do what you can the first time so you can read them later. It’s also just more time efficient. And don’t ask other people for notes, they’re not you and notes need to be personal to be effective. So don’t skip class too much.

2. You don’t need 100 different highlighters to be successful (but you can if you want). The key is keeping it succinct. Write down what your teacher says and find it later in the book. Read those passages a couple of times in your head and out loud to yourself to commit the info to memory. Honestly just highlight the key words so that when you see it on the test, the info connected to it floods back.

3. Use your phone to organize your shit. You always have it with you. God knows you ain’t gonna buy multi colored sticky notes and a $30 planner. And you might forget your textbooks and planner but not your phone.

4. Make a reasonable to do list you KNOW deep in your soul you can commit to. It’s a better motivator to see stuff get done than to see stuff not get done.

5. Try to get stuff done before noon. That’s my best advice. Early rise and early done makes you feel accomplished even if all you’ve done is read a few pages. This is probably the best time management advice I ever received in my life.

6. Don’t cram but if you have to get up and walk around to keep yourself energized.

7. Try to find a way to keep calm. You’re most likely not the type to plan every aspect down to the molecule or the type to be on top of everything. Things go awry, that’s just life. Find a way to fix your perspective on setbacks and failures so that it doesn’t ruin your future vision. This is personal so I can’t help you too much there.

GREAT TIPS especially the first one.
