#lds quotes

Sometimes (most of the time tbh) that’s all I need to hear so here you guys go! If you are feeling a

Sometimes (most of the time tbh) that’s all I need to hear so here you guys go! If you are feeling awful, then speak to someone. Speak to someone :)

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Hey Everyone! Happy (late) Thanksgiving! I’m so thankful for everyone whohas been here to support me

Hey Everyone! Happy (late) Thanksgiving! I’m so thankful for everyone whohas been here to support me and I am so thankful for everyone who has spread joy and the gospel. I am thankful for God. He has done everything for us. 

Its almost Christmas time which means midterms. Good Luck to all of you who have to take them. I know you can do it! 

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Happy Sunday! I hope that you will find peace today. Know that you are loved and that you are valid.

Happy Sunday! I hope that you will find peace today. Know that you are loved and that you are valid.

I know that I said I was going to post a few days ago but I hope you can accept my apology. I will be posting regularly again. Thanks for all the kind messages x

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lds quotes
Hey, I am back after a really long week visiting my Grandma in the hospital. I hope you are all doin

Hey, I am back after a really long week visiting my Grandma in the hospital. I hope you are all doing well!

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As we put out faith in the Lord, he will guide us on our way to happiness and eternal life. He will

As we put out faith in the Lord, he will guide us on our way to happiness and eternal life. He will change us and make us our best selves.

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Keep going! You can do it! :D

Keep going! You can do it! :D

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As a teenager with Anxiety, I feel worthless and scared all the time. I have learned that everything

As a teenager with Anxiety, I feel worthless and scared all the time. I have learned that everything will be okay as long as I follow Christ. He is taking care of each one of us. I forgot to mention that this was a quote from James E. Faust.

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Find a way today to make yourself happy. Even smiling could help.

Find a way today to make yourself happy. Even smiling could help.

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Happy Sunday! Hope you are all having a wonderful day. 

Happy Sunday! Hope you are all having a wonderful day. 

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John 9:1As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinn

John 9:1

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”

Are we supposed to take Jesus’ word on this one, or Harold’s?

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