#leah my love



a (veritable) font of knowledge and gossip, pt. 3

The modiste took one look at the sage green Jane was wearing and smiled.

“And are you in love, mademoiselle?” she asked Jane.

Jane snorted. “Not me. No,” she said.

Penelope frowned at Jane’s sureness. “Why not you?”

Jane looked at her mother as though she were being silly. “I have not met anyone I think I might love, Mama.”


Penelope watches Jane fall in love. (x)


a (veritable) font of knowledge and gossip, pt. 4

“I’m engaged,” Thomas announced, striding into the foyer to greet Penelope. “Good afternoon, Mother.” He leaned down to give her a quick kiss on the cheek, then strode forward. “What are we having for lunch?”

Penelope hadn’t moved since the first words that had left his mouth. She stood gaping at the door. “You’re – what?”

She spun around and followed him.

“To whom, exactly, are you engaged?”


Penelope watches Thomas get married to his childhood friend. (x)
