

Aunt Emma was very pleased to be going shopping, especially as you would be on hand to carry all her bags. As a treat, she’ll allow you to smell the lovely leather she’s planning on buying. If you’re really good, she might even model it for you at home….

Perfect derrières here.

Clearly, keeping you under control is thirsty work.

A little awkward when Heike catches you staring at her on the morning commute. But she’s so close to you. I’m sure you can not only hear the creaking of all that leather, but you can smell it too….

Talia Storm looking red hot.

“All will be revealed in time, young man. For the moment, I think you should take the knee.”

Always a kick in the balls to see the ex-wife looking so hot. It made you wonder why she never donned the leather for you…..

Lovely leather outfit on this beautiful lady.
