#left antisemitism



At its root, left wing antisemitism hates Jews for being flawed survivors instead of perfect corpses.



everything I read about alice walker’s anti-semetism is viiilleee

“Last year, David Baddiel, a Jewish comedian from Britain, wrote a book, Jews Don’t Count, arguing that ‘a sacred circle is drawn around those whom the progressive modern left are prepared to go into battle for, and it seems as if the Jews aren’t in it.’ Why? ​​‘There are lots of answers. But the basic one, underpinning all others, is that Jews are the only objects of racism who are imagined—by the racists—as both low and high status … somehow both sub-human and humanity’s secret masters.’”

See also David Schraub’s insightful blog post “The Cleansing Power of Anti-Zionism.”  Alice Walker “has rejected charges of anti-Semitism as attempts to silence her support for the Palestinians” – so of course the Left has to back off! Any accusation of antisemitism made against an anti-Zionist is just a cynical attempt to silence them – and any amount of racialized hatred is acceptable and justified if it’s directed at “colonizers”!
