


Kaylee and Danielle at PRIDE 


One of the things that has been on my mind since Legacies started is where are all the Mikaelsons? Since Klaus and Elijah died, it was the rest of the Mikaelsons job to look after Hope but they have barely been around. The only one that seems constant is Freya. We hear Hope talk about Freya sometimes and we saw Freya when everyone got there memories of Hope back in season 2 because Freya came to be there for Hope. Then in season 4 Freya came to be there for Hope when she was gonna activate her vampire side. We barely hear Hope talk about Rebekah and we only saw Rebekah once when she came to see Hope after she activated her vampire side. Then when Rebekah found out that Hope turned off her humanity, Rebekah tried to help at first but then Hope told Rebekah to go and she actually listened. Rebekah should have continued to try and help Hope but she didn’t. Then we have never heard Hope talk about Kol and we have never saw Kol on Legacies. Also, Marcel is basically like Hope’s older brother but he’s never talked about or seen on Legacies. I understand if they can’t bring the actors on Legacies to be with Hope but they should at least be mentioned or Hope should talk about them or they should text, call, or video chat Hope because it’s not right how they haven’t been there for Hope because Hope has been through a lot on Legacies and her family hasn’t been there for her when she needed them.

Hope and Lizzie are my favorite friendship on Legacies. I love how they went from hating each other to being best friends. On the last episode, I cried when Lizzie told Hope that she loved her. I’m so excited to see more scene of them on the next episode because it’s going to be so interesting now that Hope is a full tribrid and Lizzie is a heretic. Now they are both basically 1 of a kind because Hope is the only tribrid and Lizzie is a heretic and the only other heretic that we know of is Valerie but she’s not in Legacies so there aren’t many heretic’s left. I love Hope and Lizzie’s friendship so much and I hope that we get a lot more scenes between them.

‘Legacies’: Kaylee Bryant Leaving — Josie Saltzman Leaves, Statement | TVLine

Kaylee Bryant leaving the show makes everything so confusing because her character Josie would never leave Lizzie so it doesn’t make sense. If we never see Josie again then the show is gonna suck because we all know that once Josie finds out that Lizzie is a heretic, Josie would normally be there with her. And if Alaric wakes up from his coma, Josie should be there because she loves her dad so much. There is so many things that Josie would normally be there for no matter what. So if this was the last time we saw Josie then it doesn’t make sense

OMG. This new episode was fantastic. I love that Hope got her body back from Aurora because I didn’t like her not being in her own body. I also love that Lizzie realized that she couldn’t kill Hope because I hated seeing Lizzie so full of vengeance but I hate how Hope made Lizzie think that she turned her humanity back on just to trick her. I am in disbelief that Hope actually killed Lizzie. I nearly cried when Josie and Finch had to say goodbye at the bus station because it was very emotional and heartbreaking. But I am happy that Kaleb and Cleo finally making it official and are now boyfriend and girlfriend because I feel like they have been dancing around each other for a while now because they care so much about each other. The ending was amazing because I love how it was so dramatic because Lizzie woke up and Hope says “Your suppose to be dead”. I’m so happy that Lizzie had vampire blood in her system when she died because I would have been devastated if she died for good and I have been waiting for one of the twins to become a heretic. I’m not happy that we have to wait until January 27 for a new episode.

I hate Caroline’s storyline in Legacies. They are making Caroline out to be a bad mother. In The Vampire Diaries Caroline seemed like an amazing mom but in Legacies she’s never around. I understand that she is trying to find a way to stop the merge to save Lizzie and Josie but that doesn’t mean that she can never be around. Caroline wasn’t around when monsters started attacking the school even though that means the twins are in danger, she wasn’t around when the twins found out about the merge, she wasn’t around when Josie went dark, plus a hundred other times her daughters needed her and she wasn’t there. It seems like Alaric is Lizzie and Josie’s only parent.

One of the things that Legacies fans talk about a lot is if Josie or Lizzie will become heretics in the future. If one of them became a heretic, I think that it would stop the merge. I would love to see Lizzie become a heretic because it would be amazing and so interesting for her storyline but I don’t think that it would be good for her. It would be better if Josie became a heretic because Lizzie has bipolar and she can’t control her powers or her emotions and when you become a vampire your emotions are heightened so becoming a heretic would probably be the worst thing for Lizzie.


— SEASONS 1-4 


I want to write the things. Work is making me crazy so my mind is wandering. Not enough to focus on stuff. But still wandering. Being on hold causes it to wander a lot. Right this moment, I’m having headcanon feels and au feels for The Umbrella Academy and Harry Potter and Riordanverse and Legacies. I have so many fandoms, but that’s where my brain’s at. Might make a Tumblr just for notes of ideas and aus and stuff. Have a place to draw from when I have a proper minute to sit and write. And maybe just for general fandom feels and fandom talk. If nothing else, I can get myself organized in my brain.

The way seeing Elena’s house rebuilt in Legacies and knowing that her and Damon are happily married living their best life there woke up the dormant inner fangirl in me SO HARD. I had to hold back a scream
