
Folks, I’m making a board game! I’m really excited about it. It’s called “Le

Folks, I’m making a board game! I’m really excited about it.

It’s called “Legend Saga.” It’s an RPG/Adventure game for 2-6 players. Easy to learn, fun for all ages. 

My inspiration for the game: Legend of Zelda Link to the Past, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Secret of Mana, HeroQuest. If you like any of those games then you will be into Legend Saga.

Watch my feed for art from the game and news on the production progress.

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Easter afternoon: perfect time to cut out new prototype pieces for play testing Legend Saga. #legend

Easter afternoon: perfect time to cut out new prototype pieces for play testing Legend Saga. #legendsaga #rpg #adventuregame #boardgame #prototype #easter

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Sometimes Max (age 2) helps me finish up a sketchbook page when I’m not looking. #ink #sketchb

Sometimes Max (age 2) helps me finish up a sketchbook page when I’m not looking. #ink #sketchbook #kids #robots #legendsaga

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Legend Saga monster: The Kribler You will learn to hate this little guy. He has high movement  and c

Legend Saga monster: The Kribler

You will learn to hate this little guy. He has high movement  and can attack from a distance. He throws fire at you and runs away. Get him before he can run away.

For some reason he finds horned skulls to be fashionable.

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