

((ill b back when my mood stops swinging pls take care of him in the meantime))



// just a lil psa I wanted to say if you sent an ask addressed to me (the leggy) and I didn’t reply it’s not bc im ignoring you I’m just mega awkward ,, messages from ppl who like my stuff make me really happy so thank you!! (I also sometimes purposefully hoard them to look at later cause it’s nice prrrppll)

//PSA NUMBER 2 if you sent smth for sunny and I haven’t answered it yet there’s still a chance it’ll show up later bc i also hoard the questions I like but can’t currently use it

I was picking things carefully to go with the flow for sunny but I kinda wanna do an overall less quality for more quantity with omori so who knows!! :)

// just a lil psa I wanted to say if you sent an ask addressed to me (the leggy) and I didn’t reply it’s not bc im ignoring you I’m just mega awkward ,, messages from ppl who like my stuff make me really happy so thank you!! (I also sometimes purposefully hoard them to look at later cause it’s nice prrrppll)

//UWA cant believe i missed this thank you so much everyone

im currently struggling with my mental health but i’ll still do something fun for the occasion when im able again!! prolly sketch requests ehe <3//

“why are they like this”

turns out spilling orange joe on your sandwich doesnt make it inedible as long as you don’t have any morals
