#leia organa fan fiction



Pairing:Leia Organa x Female!Reader                          
Summary: Reader is Han Solo’s sister and Leia’s best friend. Leia has stormed into Reader’s tent to rant about Han once again as the eldest Solo never fails to be a pain in the ass. As it turns out one, major miscommunication has been keeping both women from being truly happy.

“The absolute nerve of that uncouth, disrespectful…” The flap of your tent flared open as your best friend, Princess Leia Organa, stormed in. She brought in hot muggy air from outside as well as her own steaming temper. A large delegation of the Rebellion was currently camping on Batuu, a very wet and humid planet whose surface mostly comprised of jungles and oceans. The thick air on Batuu had fanned the fires of many old arguments throughout the camp, but none so much as the antagonistic relationship between Leia and your own brother, Han Solo. 

You knew better than to even ask who she was talking about. Engaging with her when she was this riled up would only turn the mudslinging in your direction. You and Leia’s brother Luke Skywalker had both learned that particular lesson the hard way. Instead you let her pace the very small amount of available space in your tent while she ranted on and muttered Alderaanian swear words.

It wasn’t difficult to imagine that across the camp Luke was similarly sat pretending to listen to whatever grievances Han was airing, adding in his own Corelian swear words of course. You hyperbolically wondered if your Jedi friend knew more of Corelia’s seedier dialect than you did at this point. 

At last Leia stopped pacing. Either all the walking or her vocalizing had caused the princess to work up a sweat. You watched as a bead formed on her brow and moved downward, tracing the silhouette of her face. Her hair, which had been hastily braided and pinned to her head, was damp with sweat. Leia’s nearly flawless skin was glistening. Even when her eyes were storming with anger, she was perfect. 

Leia was your best friend and you told each other everything. Correction, almost everything. There was one secret that you kept just for yourself. You’d never tell Han because he’d tease you relentlessly for it. You’d never tell Chewbacca either. The Wookie would only tell your brother anyway.

Luke had his suspicious, you imagined, but he’d never said as much aloud. You’d tell his sister of your feelings for her when the time was right. Yes, you were in love with Leia Organa and had been since the first time you’d laid eyes on here. She had immediately cast her eyes in another direction, and that was fine. 

You’d been quiet for too long. You could tell by the inquisitive tilt of Leia’s head as she surveyed you. She wiped her forehead with the light breezy sleeve of her white tunic. White. You rolled your eyes when she looked away. Leia’s outfits weren’t always practical. She was currently wearing the previously mentioned white tunic with bell sleeves and a tight-fitting pair of beige pants. A brown belt was wrapped around that holding a blaster. 

Your own outfit was simple and the right amount of practical. A short sleeve pair of green coveralls. One single piece of clothing that you could easily slip in or out of as need be. It had plenty of pockets which Leia’s more fashionable choices often did not. Your coveralls were tucked into a pair of brown boots, standard issue for the Rebellion. 

“Sorry,” You apologized when you realized she was waiting for you to say something. “It’s this blasted heat.” You lied. “Makes my head foggy.” Leia was already sat on your cot. You sat opposite her on a crate that held most of your personal effects. “I don’t know why you let him get to you like that.” You shook your head. 

“I know, I know.” She sighed. “But it’s as if we’re a ticking detonator! Fighting with him feels inevitable. He’s always just so smug and rash and…I’m sorry, I know he’s your brother.”

“He can be my brother and still be all those things.” You shrugged. “I’m just waiting for the day that the two of you finally admit the reason you fight so much is because you’re in love with each other.” 

The words had come out before you really thought about it. Leia and Han’s attraction to each other was obvious to any being who had the misfortune of being trapped in a room with them. That list included not just yourself and Luke but several pilots, captains, and most of your current camp at the Batuu outpost. But everyone adhered to one unspoken rule, don’t mentioned it aloud to either Han or Leia.

Leia balked at your suggestion. She opened and closed her mouth a few times as if struggling to find the words. She shot to her feet and placed her hands on her hips. 

“I am not in love with him!” She finally managed to spit out. 

“It’s okay if you are. I’ve heard it from almost every spaceport we’ve been to what a looker he is. Sure he’s a little bit a laser brain,” You agreed. “But…”

“Why in the Force would you think I was in love with Han?” Leia asked. 

“Well there’s the fact that you can’t be in the same room as him without picking a fight.” You reminded her. “And that time you got stung by the giant bug thing on Dantooine, remember it made you hallucinate?”

“I’m familiar.” She bristled, remembering the not so fond memory. Leia had only been stung by said bug thing because she hadn’t listened when Han told her to stay still.

“While Luke and I were taking turns watching over you, you kept whispering ‘I love you, Solo’ so that pretty much solidified it for the two of us.” You explained. 

“I-well…but…” Leia was sputtering, again her words failing. She stomped out of the tent. 

“Leia!” You chased after her, a blast of hot air filled your lungs. You’d forgotten how thick the atmosphere was. “I’m sorry!” You apologized. “I shouldn’t have said…” 

She hadn’t gone very far. Just a few steps away, with the palms of both her hands pressed to the back of her head. She tried to catch her breath. After several agonizing minutes of silence, you watched her hands fall to her sides. She turned to face you. 

“No, [Y/N],” Leia shook her head. “I’m sorry. All this time I thought you knew! Dantooine was ages ago.” She recounted. 

“Right.” You nodded. “I can see now, Luke and I misread the situation. Maybe we should have said something then. You’re right it was such a long time…”

“[Y/N], Han is not the Solo I was trying to confess my love to.” She finally confessed.

“I’m sorry?” You blinked. “Could you, can you, elaborate? Because if you’re not in love with, Han…”

“It’s you, [Y/N].” She interrupted. “It’s always been you. I genuinely thought you knew and just didn’t reciprocate…”

“I do!” It was your turn to interrupt. “Reciprocate I mean. I reciprocate very much.” 

“You…you do?” She seemed as surprised as you were. For the first time in a long time, Leia’s features fully relaxed. A flush of color rushed to her cheeks as she smiled. You could tell it was a genuine smile because it brought out her dimples. You nodded. Too happy to speak yourself. 

“Can I…would it be alright if I kissed you?” You worked up the courage to ask. Leia didn’t answer with her words. Instead she closed the gap between the two of you. She brushed strand of hair away from your face and tucked it behind your ear. With an impossibly soft hand Leia cupped your chin, leaned forward and planted a delicate kiss on your lips. 


Part Two /  
Cast of Characters: Young!Leia, Obi Wan Kenobi
Summary: Reader is a former Jedi and friend to both Padmé Amidala & Anakin Skywalker. Following the death of Padmé, when it’s decided that twins Luke and Leia must be separated for their own safety, Obi Wan accompanies Like to Tatooine while Reader accompanied Leia to Alderaan. For the past decade Reader has been watching over the young princess disguised as a governess. Until something happens to put the two Jedi on a collision course with each other once again. 


“Princess, don’t you think it’s time to come down from there?” You asked the ten-year-old who had effortlessly perched herself high in one of the trees near the edge of the palace grounds.

You didn’t ask how the princess managed to climb so high so quickly. You didn’t ask how she always seemed to know when to give into the whims of the adults around her and when press her luck.  You didn’t ask because you knew the answer. Leia Organa was not just the crown princess of Alderaan. Someday, force willing, she would grow to be a great Jedi and a respected diplomat.

“Wouldn’t you much rather come up here?” Leia suggested. A playful whirl escaped the small droid hovered next to the princess’ head. LO-LA59, or Lola as she’d been nicknamed, was the closest companion the young girl had. A simple toy compared to complex inner workings of something like a pilot droid, but Lola would play games with Leia or could help perform simple tasks. She was good to have around.

Lola flapped the two panels on the back of her disk-shaped enclosure, waiting patiently for you to join the two of them in the tree. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for you to clamber up there and occupy a branch of your own. You’d been found up a tree on more than one occasion by each of Leia’s parents as it was usually the best way to get what you wanted in return from the princess. A little tit-for-tat exchange in hopes that some of your lessons may be taken in by your spirited young charge.

You’d become the governess of the Organa household a decade ago, on the exact day that Leia had been born. It was hard to believe ten years had passed already, everything had happened so quickly at first. Documents were forged. Transport ships and royal escorts were rushed from Coruscant to bring you both to your new home, Alderaan. Given the choice of planets for your exile, and you certainly hadn’t been given one, Alderaan truly wasn’t a bad one to end up on.

Free of any major or organized crime, the planet was practically Utopian. Off worlders were asked to check their weapons at the spaceport and despite the very recent ending of the Clone Wars, Alderaan was prosperous, thriving. Perhaps that was why no one had questioned where or how the Organas had been able to adopt a baby so quickly. Why no one had prodded too much into the paperwork claiming you to be a highly valued educator from Coruscant.

Settling into your new life hadn’t been easy. You hardly slept that first month, and even now you awoke with a start at the smallest creak of a floor panel. Long gone were the nights of deep meditative sleep you’d grown accustomed to at the temple. Alderaan may have been where you lived but it wasn’t your home. You’d leave, someday, when the time was right. For now, you had to do your part. So you squared your shoulders, inhaled a deep breath, and looked up at the princess and her hovering pet.  

“Of course.” You agreed with her. “I’d like nothing more than to swing about from the trees with you Princess, but your parents are expecting us.”

“Just one more [Y/N], please?” Leia cast her eyes to the sky. She was watching the ships as they entered or exited the planet’s atmosphere. The expression on her face was too familiar for you to protest. It sent a pang of nostalgia right through you. While Bail had always been polite enough to feign a shared interest in ships for his daughter’s sake, she’d never know that her birth father had been one of the greatest pilots the galaxy had ever seen.

“A Tri-wing!” Leia remarked with excitement, pulling you out of your thoughts. “That’s a new one.” She looked down, hoping to steal more time away, but she knew her time was up. Sighing greatly, the princess working her way down from her perch. “It’s not like anyone would miss me if I wasn’t there.”

Despite her protests, Leia tried to behave the rest of the afternoon. You barely managed to get her changed and dressed properly before her mother’s family arrived from off world. Leia skidded to a halt alongside Bail and Breha just as the visiting transport arrived. She smiled her broadest smile and greeted her older cousin, Niano politely. He snubbed her, acting as if she weren’t there. To her credit, the future politician lifted her chin high appearing unbothered.

As always, you accompanied the royal family throughout their day. Most of which progressed without incident. Leia had been particularly impressive having made it several hours without even an attempt to sneak off. There was a reception celebrating the arrival of the foreign guests. At the reception, you and Leia once again found yourselves standing near her cousin. Things came to a head when Leia thanked a droid for bringing her a drink.

“You don’t need manners when you’re talking to a lower life form.” Niano balked at her.

“Then I guess I don’t need manners when I’m taking to you.” Leia commented back. You thanked the force that you hadn’t started to sip form your own drink yet, as you bit down on your lower lip, holding back a smile. Her tone had been so matter-of-fact and unbothered as if there were no other response to what her cousin had just said. Then again it hit you. For just a moment she wasn’t ten-year-old Leia Organa, but fourteen-year-old Queen Amidala.

“You know what the difference is between you and me, cousin?” Niano questioned, already a bite to his tone. “I know things. You know my father says they never let you leave this planet. They don’t want anybody to know about you because you’re not one of us. You’re not even a realOrgana.”

The word “real” had struck a nerve with you. What did this little son of a bantha know? His parents were egotistical, classist…You had to stop yourself mid-mental insult because Bail was staring you down across the room in a way you’d come to recognize as “Do something about her.” You hadn’t been listening to whatever insults Leia had thrown back at Niano, only catching her last words.

“I may not have seen much, cousin, but I can see that.” She turned away from him, reaching for her cup.

“Princess, perhaps we should get some fresh air?” You suggested firmly.

“I’m not sure why I’min trouble.” Leia pouted once the two of you were alone together walking outside. “You heard him, [Y/N]. He was being horrible!”

“Leia,” You sighed. Perhaps this is why you hadn’t been granted a Padawan learner of your own before. You’d never been one for grand speeches or following the rules. It was why you’d gotten along with her parents so well. You missed them both terribly. Rather than searching for words of wisdom from a Jedi Master, you tried to think of what Anakin or Padma might say to their daughter if they were there instead of you.

“You’re not going to like everyone you meet. Most days you don’t like me very much.” You said. “But we always find a way to work things out together.”

“That’s different.” She insisted. “You’re my teacher. You’re trying to teach me stuff.”

“Well, maybe this is just a different kind of lesson.” You suggested. “I’m not always going to be here to teach you things Leia. And there are a lot more people in the Galaxy like your cousin than there are people like me.”

“Is this the part where you tell me I have to apologize to him?” Leia asked.

“I think this is the part where I remind you that someday you’re going to rule this planet.” You turned to look at the city of Aldera, Alderaan’s capital, which was visible from the Royal Palace of Alderaan. “And although your mother, your father, and I can try to guide you, only you can decide what kind of leader you want to be.”

“I’ll apologize.” She mumbled. “But do we have to go back right away?” Leia’s eyes looked away from Aldera to the tree line just a few yards away. You smiled.

“Alright.Ten minutes. But in that time, you’d better draft the best apology Alderaan’s heard in a hundred years.” Leia had taken off towards the woods the second you’d give her permission. Not one to waste time, she’d darted off before you could follow. “You forgot rule number one!” You called after her, stepping into the woods. “Always stay where I can…”

Your blood turned to ice in your veins. You didn’t recognize the faces of the three beings before you, but from their attire and equipment you knew what their occupation was. Bounty Hunters. Someone had sent them to kidnap the Princess. Bounty Hunters wasn’t great news, but it did mean they weren’t here for you. They didn’t know about the potential power that Leia possessed or that you yourself were a fully trained Jedi Knight.

On reflex your dominant hand reached for a lightsaber that wasn’t there. You hadn’t worn the saber in a decade. You didn’t even know where it was. It had been given to Bail for safe keeping and was buried somewhere off the record. Still, Bounty Hunters could be reasoned with, paid off. While Leia squirmed in the arms of the green skinned Bounty Hunter, you tried to discern which of the remaining two was the leader.

“It’s been some time since we’ve had members of the guild on Alderaan.” You remarked. Trying to keep the conversation casual. “I’m not sure who’s sent you, but I can assure you taking this child would be a mistake. Why don’t you let her go and…”

“This doesn’t need to concern you.” One Bounty Hunter interrupted. He was wearing an orange and red dyed tuning with black trousers and a long black coat. He pointed his oversized blaster at you.  You absently wondered how he managed to smuggle thaton world. “I’m guessing you work up at the palace. Big place like that might not notice one less employee.”

“No need to be so hostile.” You assured the leader, holding your hands up to show them you were unarmed. “I was merely suggesting you allow me to escort you inside to the palace where I’m sure my employers would happily pay you double what you’ve been offered. Maybe even triple.”

“Why should we believe you?” The third Bounty Hunter asked. “You think we’re just gonna walk into a trap?”

“I understand your hesitation. I suppose if I were you it would seem like a trap. How about this then, if it’s a ransom you’re after, take me instead.” You offered. “I’ve been under the Organa’s employ for years. I’m a member of the inner circle. They would pay heavily for my safe return.”

The three Bounty Hunters exchanged glances. You were genuine in your offer; you’d allow them to take you if it meant Leia got away freely. You’d deal with the minor detail of escaping afterwards. What you said had been true enough, you were a member of the Organa’s close household, but you doubted Breha or Bail would pay any sort of ransom for your safe return. Especially after you’d failed your one and only task, keep Leia safe.

“Alright.” The Lead hunter nodded at the third who stepped forward to bind your wrist. As you heard the click of the binders locking your wrist together, the Leader continued. “We’ll take you both.” You didn’t have time to argue as the stock end of his blaster connected with the back of your head, rendering you unconscious.
