#leo hamato




im gonna rant about how tmnt 2k12 leo so if you dont wanna hear me out thats okay

yall are fucking forgetting that during the series leo was a teenager??

He was 15 and he nearly drowned because he didnt care if he had to sacrifice himself for his family because thats what he was brought up knowing. He grew up with the mentality that a leader should be ready to sacrifice themselves for their team and that fucked him up badly.

They were teenagers living in a world where they had to fight for their lives almost everyday. And Leo knew that one way or another, one of them could get really hurt or worse. And he wanted to make sure that it was him, and not his brothers. He was willing to die, willing to give up his life if it meant his siblings didnt have to. So his friends didnt have to. Hes selfless to a fault.

Yes, he still acts like a child and not a ninja or leader sometimes because that’s what he is. He is a teenager. TEENAGER. He shouldn’t have to deal with the fucking respnosibility and im sick of people saying he should.

Need i mention the fact that he got into a COMA, woke up in a new place far away from his home, found out his dad is dead, and then finding out his home is taken over by an alien race that wants to kill his family?? And you think he’d still be mentally stable to handle it while his body was weak and fragile and he could do nothing about it?? That shit is traumatizing, no less for someone his age.

Leo had to grow up and mature faster than he shouldve, learning to bottle up his emotions and put them aside for the sake of survival. He’s been through things that i cant even imagine going through. I just want to give him a hug

thank you.

I’m gonna add onto this if you don’t mind, because something that’s bothered me about this the most is that…some people – not anyone that I’ve come across on here – like to take his age as I guess an excuse? Something to be like, “Well, Splinter is dead and Leo is the oldest out of his brothers, so he’s automatically Dad 2.0 now” and that just….doesn’t sit right with me??????

Like, yeah, he’s 24 now. That doesn’t mean that the trauma of everything he and his brothers went through disappeared (also do remember that he wasn’t the only one who experienced the chaos, he just took the worse end of it). He was raised from the get-go to believe, “If you aren’t willing to die for your brothers, you’re not worthy to be called their sibling.” and that’s just…not okay. People forget that despite doing the best he could and being a great father, Splinter still had a major flaw in that he raised his sons as war machines instead of people with human emotions despite a lack of human appearance.

And I understand that like, he wanted his sons to be able to protect themselves, he wanted them to stay safe. But he literally drilled it into Leo’s head that if he didn’t go as far as to sacrifice his literal fucking life for the sake of his family, he wasn’t allowed to be a leader. And that just concerns me as to what would’ve happened if someone like Mikey or Raph was chosen as leader, because they along with Donnie have their own emotional turmoils as well.

Imagine the youngest turtle in the family being the leader, and being forced to take on that kind of mentality. I doubt he would have even been able to handle stressful situations the same way that Leo did in the show. And Leo went through a lot of shit.

He got bullied for trying to be like Splinter in Season One.

In Season 2, he had to watch his father basically “die” temporarily.

In Season 3, he was in a fucking coma.

In Season 4, he had to watch his father die again, this time permanently.

And in Season 5, he had to handle taking on the role of the new Sensei without any sort of help from anybody, because he no longer had anyone to guide him. Yeah, Splinter was there in spirit, but the advice he gave was vague, and he always disappeared before giving a straight answer to anything Leo asked.

From Season 3 to Season 5, Leo acted more like Splinter than like a 16-19 year old boy, because he was forced to have the mindset of a father figure instead of an older brother. And I won’t lie….that kinda pisses me off, in a weird way.

TL;DR - Leo needs therapy, and I will fight anyone who disagrees. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

Okay, I absolutely agree with everything that is said here, Leo one HUNDRED PERCENT NEEDS SO MUCH HELP.

But there’s one thing that does not sit right with me at all.

Splinter didn’t force Leo to be a leader. Leo wantedto be one.

Do yall not remember him immediately raising his hand and ask with a big smile on his face, “Can I be leader?”

Like. Everything Leo did Splinter supported him through. Gave him advice. Helped him in the way he knew how. He never once told Leo that he was supposedto be leader; he was only leading Leo on a path that helped him be a better one. He never said “This is your destiny” or any shit like that.

I hate that people forget that 2012 Splinter cares about his sons more than all the other iterations. He constantly tells his sons he is proud of them, that he loves them, and gives them advice that made them better. Who they are now. That’s why loosing him not once, but three separate times impacted them so hard and heavily every single time. They weren’t ready to let Splinter go. They were always going to need him. They literally have told him this.

Is he a little harsh in his training sometimes? Sure, but most of the time it was with love and care, and when he was truly harsh on them it was because they messed up bad (And even those times he wasn’t truly angry!). He was never harsh when they came home looking all beat up, he made sure they were okay first.

He never wanted Shredder to come into their lives. He never wanted them to go through what they had. He himself has trauma and he literally had a nightmare about loosing them, panicked about it and later apologizedinone single episode.

He wasn’t the fault for what happened to his sons. He did all that he could to protect them. Which is why he was so harsh about letting them go out on their own for the first time. All that happened–to him and the turtles–was because of Shredder.
