#lepus carnivorous


Just crawled back in from the Edinburgh Filmouse nearly-a-month-early pre-screening of Dr Who, The Magician’s Apprentice.

Moffat and the producers were very strident about NOT. SAYING. ANYTHING. about what we had seen.  Moffat: “We trust you, you’re good people. My vast female entourage strutting around the cinema in those fetching off-the-shoulder Waffen SS uniforms and six inch stilettos taking your pictures and your children’s DNA samples is simply a courtesy detail, pay no mind.”

So the necrophilia, the fetishised ultra-violence, the bizarre cake obsession.. I can’t go into any of that but… well…  When I arrived, the entire set of seats by the left hand entrance that I normally sprawl across and spill beer on had “reserved” placards on it.  So I had to locate to the row behind.  The auditorium filled up and eventually the seats in front became occupied. By Moffat, wife and BBC obergruppenfuhrers.  Indeed, the shy, retiring Moffat Tarkin was sat right in front of me.  And me without a custard pie.  ..So.

So.. personally deprived on my usual lounge-a-palooza by the Moff I feel no qualms whatsoever in saying that their publicity ‘leaks’ and misinformation have worked effortlessly well.  And what you think the first episode is about, isn’t. It is ALL ABOUT THE BIPEDAL CARNIVOROUS TWELVE-FOOT SPACE-BUNNIES WITH LASER BLASTERS people.  And that’s all I’m prepared to say on the matter.
