

What’s a lee?

This is a tickle related ff, if you are not interested in it, please keep scrolling

Summary: The boys find out about Nefeli’s (15) secret blog on Tumblr

Warnings: None

Notes: This ff is requested by an anon, I hope you’ll like this, nonnie!

Sentence starters: “Are you enjoying this~?”

Lots of love Nef

‘Mirabel was laying on her bed giggling her heart out as Camilo, her older cousin, was mercilessly squeezing her way too ticklish for her own good sides. However, they both knew, she loved getting tickled, even if she would never admit it! She was all tied up with flowers Isa had grown while she was giggling adorabl-’

“What are you doing there?” Jungkook’s sudden voice rang into Nefeli’s ears from a dangerously close to her direction.

Squealing loudly, the young girl immediately closed her laptop as fast as she could, hiding from her older brother’s best friend the document she was writing. You see, Nefeli owned a Tumblr account based on her love for tickling. She has had it two years now and she had managed to keep it away from the curious eyes of Taehyung and his friends because if they find out, she won’t have the guts to raise her head to watch them in the eyes for the rest of her life!

“Gah! Kook! You scared me!” she exclaimed as she quickly turned around. A slight blush was playing on her cheeks as her left hand was placed on top of her closed computer just out of nervousness, trying to play it off cool “Can I help you with something?”

The youngest boy of the house raised his eyebrow interrogatively yet playfully and folded his arms in front of his chest “What are you doing there?” he trailed his words to increase the agony he wanted to creative.

Only if he knew the waves of fluster his tone was giving her…

You see, Nefeli, her brother Taehyung and his best friend Jungkook were living all together in a small apartment in Seoul. On the apartment above, however, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin were staying in and Jin and Namjoon were on the one right next to the sibling. So the 8 friends were together in one house all day long every day, just chilling due to the lockdown.

Chuckling nervously, she kept trying to keep her cool. She turned around completely and crossed her arms, not really knowing what to say so she just decided to attempt to change the topic “Can I help you with something?”

Chuckling, Jungkook threw her a ‘you got me’ look and shook his head, ruffling her chocolate brown, curly hair, messing them more than they already were “Jin sent me to tell you that dinner is ready. He made your favorite, lasagna”

A wide smile appeared on her face when Jungkook mentioned today’s lunch “Yay!” she squealed and jumped on her feet, pulling the young lad with her out of the room, all excited to go for lunch.

But also finding an excuse to get him out of her room and away from her laptop which was hiding the biggest secret of her life. She legit hadn’t told anyone. She had reached a point where she was ready to tell her best friend, but then the moment she told him ‘I wanna tell you something’ she regretted it and she just said that she loves him or something like that. But she never really had the guts to do so.

Running straight to the living room where everyone was seated, Nefeli sneaked quietly behind her brother as Jungkook walked past her and took a seat next to Hoseok, while everyone was chuckling at her.

Raising his eyes, Taehyung looked at his friends with a weirded out face, completely unaware of his little sister being behind him “What happened? Is there anything on my fac- AGH!” he squealed as soon as the young girl fell on his lap from behind, taking him completely by surprise.

Looking down at the mischievously giggling girl, the young lad narrowed his eyes at her playfully “You little rascal!” and with that he shot his fingers on Nefeli’s ribs, squeezing and kneading them like they were dough.

The girl let out a loud scream before she fell into loud belly laughter, kicking out and trying to escape “GAHAHAHAHAHA TAHAHAHAE NAHAHAHAHAO PLEAHAHASE AHAHAHAHA! I AHAHAHAHAM SAHAHAHAHAORRY AHAHAHAHA!” but it was useless since her older brother had trapped her in between his arms. Nefeli kept laughing and screaming loudly as Taehyung’s grin was reaching his ears.

Yoongi and Jimin didn’t really bother to look away from their phones like the rest of their friends did to enjoy the playful scene that was happening in front of them but wide smiles had appeared on their faces. You see, they were used for those mini acts of revenge Taehyung would take on his sister because of the pranks she was pulling on him or the brattiness.

“You always apologize Neffie but you never learn! It’s like you want to be tickled every time! Are you enjoying this~?” Taehyung giggled along with Nefeli, not ceasing his attack as a deep blush appeared on her face. Ah was he reading her mind or something?

That phrase caused butterflies to erupt into Nefeli’s stomach and her mind started spinning right round in shyness. Just the thought of what happened some minutes ago mixed with Taehyung’s teasing was making her feel so flustered and shy that her mind was ready to explode! And just the thought of Taehyung or even Jungkook too knowing about her guilty pleasure was torturing her and making her even shier.

“Okay enough you too! Dinner is served!” Jin chuckled amused as he was placing the last plate on the table along with his roommate’s help.

That distraction gave the opportunity to the giggly girl to jump off of Taehyung’s lap and run straight behind Namjoon to hide “Oh please save me, my dear knight!” she giggled as Namjoon just shook his head laughing along with the rest of the boys.

“Your savior is here!” Namjoon played along as he held a spoon in front of him, pointing at Taehyung’s laughing self who was clearly enjoying what was happening a lot.

However, Jin grabbed the spoon and pointed it back at Namjoon and Nefeli who both raised their hands up in surrender “If you don’t stop messing around none of you three is going to eat today!” he cried as his hand was trembling from his temper.

Looking over at the rest of the group, Jimin and Hoseok had fallen on the floor laughing while Jungkook and Taehyung were clapping and laughing as well. The only ones who were just smiling amused, yet from ear to ear were Yoongi and Namjoon who were simply chuckling. Jin was always hilarious when he was threatening them. Especially like that.

“Okahahay okay enough messing around, I am starving!” in a flash of light Jimin was on the table, sitting in between a standing Jin and also standing Nefeli and Namjoon, followed by the rest of the boys.

“Yeah we better, otherwise I will eat one of you!” Nefeli growled playfully as she sat next to Jimin and her brother “Wow such a cannibal you are!” Hoseok chuckled and ruffled her hair as he was passing behind her.

As soon as everyone had taken their sits, no one wasted a single second before they dug into their food. Only moans of food pleasure and the sound of the cutlery hitting on the plates were filling the room along with some compliments for the chef.

“Wow, this is so good!” Taehyung closed his eyes in food delight once everyone was done with their meal

“I know right! Oh my gosh, Jin, I think your delicacies are my biggest weakness!” Nefeli exclaimed as she stuffed the last forkful of her lasagna in her mouth.

A wide smirk appeared on Jungkook’s face who was sitting directly opposite of Nefeli, making her freeze on her seat “W-What?” she asked Jungkook as a light, pink blush had started spreading on her cheeks.

“Oh, nothing! I’ll be right back, I have to use the restroom” he randomly yet awkwardly announced before he got up and left the room, leaving his friends behind, all weirded out.

“Uh anyway, yeah, Jin the food is great today!” Yoongi shrugged a bit at Jungkook’s reaction, ignoring the fact that he had an unknown and unreadable look on his face.

“Ah thank you guys!” the oldest boy grinned proudly, straightening up his body as peacocks and swans do. This lad has such a big ego, but he shows it in a way he is making himself look even more adorable than he already it!

The atmosphere around the table was cherry and playful once again, even if the youngest lad wasn’t there. Some mocks and teases were being thrown at each other while snickering had a main role in the whole conversation.

However, a loud voice interrupted the friends’ delightful talk “Hello, my name is Nefeli and I am a lee” Jungkook’s voice filled the whole house, making the young girl widen her eyes in horror.

“JUNGKOOK!” Nefeli cried as she jumped like a rabbit and rushed to find him, leaving the other 6 lads behind her completely confused.

“What’s a lee?” Hoseok asked confused, scratching the top of his head with his nose scrunched up.

“And what does Nefeli have to do with that?” Taehyung looked confused and to be honest a little worried. He had never heard that word before and as you can understand he was unsure about it.

Running straight into her room, she found Jungkook having opened her laptop and having opened her Tumblr account. Gasping loudly, Nefeli tried to grab fastly her computer from her older friend. But guess what! Jungkook was faster. In a swift mood, the young lad grabbed the laptop and ran out of the room with Nefeli behind him.

“Catch her!” Jungkook yelled as he entered the living room/kitchen with the black item in his hands. The young girl was trailing behind him, trying desperately to get her belongings back.

“Come back here you thief! This is mi- AGH NO!” Nefeli let out a loud squeal as she felt two strong arms being wrapped around her waist and herself being lifted from the ground. Jimin place her on his lap and secured her into his embrace, just like Jungkook had asked “Jimin let me go!” she was struggling to get herself out of Jimin’s grip while everyone else was looking amused at the two youngest of the house were somehow fighting.

“What’s going on?” Yoongi asked curiously as he was looking with a gummy smile on his face at Jungkook who when he made sure Nefeli couldn’t escape, took a seat in between Hoseok and Taehyung and opened the laptop.

Oh-uh… Taehyung…

“No no no no!” she squealed and turned around to hide into Jimin’s neck, curling up so tightly that she looked like a tiny ball.

“For God’s sake Kook, just tell us!” Taehyung kept nudging Jungkook impatiently as everyone else was staring at the two roommates, except Nefeli who was still hidden.

Smirking from ear to ear Jungkook simply opened the laptop screen. Immediately both Hoseok and Taehyung stuffed their faces in between the youngest boy’s chest and the screen. The most surprising thing however was Namjoon’s jump over the coffee table followed by the two oldest lads who sped up to see what Jungkook was previously reading.

Wide smirks of amusements formed on everyone’s faces as soon as they understood what was going on. Especially Taehyung’s eyes turned into a mischievous glimpse as he turned his head, glancing at his younger sister whose face was redder than a tomato.

“What? What does it say?” Jimin kept asking over and over again while everyone else was simply looking either at the young girl or were focused on reading the details about Nefeli’s secret.

The realization of her guilty pleasure being exposed just like that immediately hit her. She started squirming around and pressing the balls of her hands on her eyes as a wide grin of shyness had appeared on her face. She knew that nothing would be the same after that, because she knew the boys really well. She knew how big of teasers they can be and that once they’d find a weakness about each other, they wouldn’t let a day pass without teasing them or even using it against them!

So I think you can understand what was going to happen for at least the next week…

“Oh, it’s nothing wrong” Yoongi kept examining the site he had in front of him “Just that Nefeli actually loves being tickled” he said with no shame or hesitation at all like a lazy grin of mischief was playing on his face.

A loud squeal escaped the young girl who had been exposed with no sympathy at all. In a flash of light, and before Jimin could do anything, she had escaped his grip and was already running in a random direction, trying to avoid the vicious attack she was going to receive.

“Get her!” Taehyung cried out playfully and as if on cue, all seven boys were hot on her heels.

“Gah nohoho!” she squealed as she was running down the hallway.

“Come back Neffie! We won’t eat you! The tickle monsters just want to play with you!” Hoseok laughed loudly as he almost grabbed her waist.

“Just give it up now Neffie, or you’ll find yourself in even worse trouble” Yoongi managed to near her the most and taser her sides, earning a loud squeal from Nefeli.

The amounts of fluster which were running at that moment through the young girl’s body were insane as the boys were unstoppably throwing teases behind her. Jumping over random shoes and dodging shelves, Nefeli kept running for her life while the boys behind her were only some centimeters away from her.

However, to say she wasn’t having fun would be a lie. She was getting what she had been writing for so long in real life and not in some role play she was having with also members of the tickle community. And it was way better than she had ever imagined. The wide grin which was placed on her face was there for a reason.

Getting into the first room she found, Nefeli didn’t even have the time to recognize whose it was. Which soon turned out to be her brother’s… Bad choice! Taehyung’s room had no space to ran away and escape. And his bed was touching the wall so she couldn’t run on the other side and somehow escape them.

The knot of anticipation that had formed in her throat was getting tighter and tighter. The heavy footsteps which were approaching her were getting louder and louder and she knew that she wasn’t going to last what was coming. The butterflies in her stomach were erupting in tones and they were increasing the more the boys were approaching her and her cheeks were already blushing a deep shade of red just with the thought of what was going to happen. The louder the footsteps were approaching her, the more the butterflies were multiplying by hundreds.

Feeling once again two arms being wrapped around her waist, she couldn’t help but instantly feel vulnerable in a twittering and fun way. Kicking out while she was in the air, she was trying to escape the grin which was holding her, which turned out to be Namjoon’s, with a wide grin on her face.

“Gotcha little girl!” he giggled as he laid her on the bed and sat on her arms after he pinned them above her head with ease. It’s not like she tried to fight back. She had accepted defeat and she was ready to receive what the boys had in their minds. Which, to be fair, wasn’t something she was trying to avoid.

Encircled by the rest of the lads, Nefeli didn’t have the courage to look at them in the eyes. She was hiding her face into her shoulder as they were taking their places around her.

“Okay here it says that her sides and her feet are her most ticklish spots, then her armpits, her ribs, her neck, and her… ears? And then everywhere else” Jungkook questioned while reading out loud her tickle spots before everyone positioned themselves “Ahahaw your ears are ticklish Neffie?” Jin asked, blowing a little in her ear, only to get loud giggles from her as an answer “Ahahahaha my Gahahahad!” everyone laughed at her as they were choosing their positions around a really giggly Nefeli.

He and Yoongi sat next to each side of hers while Taehyung sat on her thighs. Namjoon let Hoseok sit on the other arm of Nefeli, so they were both pinning her down while Jin and Jimin were to take care of each of her feet while they had put the laptop aside to take notes and some help from there.

Oh, this was going to tickle a lot!

“Lemme gohohohoooo!” she dragged her words in anticipation.

“Aw look at you being a giggly mess. And we have barely touched you!” Taehyung exclaimed while poking all over her tummy and side with his large fingers, occasionally pinching softly her bare skin with pressure enough so it will only tickle and not hurt.

A loud squeal mixed with mild snickering escaped Nefeli who was trying to pull her arms down while she was wiggling around like crazy. The feeling of tiny pokes around her midsection was making her feel like her skin was being explored by tiny yet so incredibly tickly bugs.

Taehyung’s smirk was wide and his fingers fast. Let’s be honest, he wasn’t that surprised. Now all the teasing and the random provoking and annoyance at random times was making sense! She just wanted to be tickled. And most of the time she was getting it. And it wasn’t that she was fighting back any of those times like she wasn’t now too. Sign that she liked it. Ah, next time he is going to get her good…

Tracing a single finger down her foot, Jin almost got kicked in the face from how hard Nefeli flinched as a loud squeal escaped her once again “Eeek nohoho!” everyone knew how sensitive her feet were so no one was surprised by that reaction. On the contrary, they all laughed.

With a wide grin on his face, Namjoon bent down and blew some hot air in her small, sensitive ear while he was trying to hold still her shaky arm “Namjahahahan!” Nefeli giggled loudly as she kept shaking her head from side to side in a ticklish agony “Neffieeee!” he mocked her teasingly as he kept blowing in her ear.

Out of nowhere though, Yoongi put his finger on her lower ribs and slowly traces his nails upwards on her bare ribs. Nefeli arched her back as much as she could. The giggles were building up in her throat and were threatened to start pouring out of her mouth like a waterfall “Tickle tickle tickle Neffie!” the slow and soft tickles Nefeli was currently receiving were sort of driving crazy and were making her nerves being torn apart!

“Hey don’t leave me out of the fun!” Hoseok exclaimed before he dug his fingers into one of her armpits while the other hand went behind her ear, scribbling there with his blunt nails gently and slowly, enough to make her giggle a little bit harder.

Jimin on the other hand took her big toe in between his fingers and wiggled it fastly “This little piggy went to the market” he chuckled at her loud giggles of horror. Oh, Nefeli knew this game too well. Taehyung would do that to her when she was a baby and she would explode in loud fits of giggles.

“This little piggy stayed home” Jin played along on her other foot, wiggling her second toe and Nefeli did explode in loud-loud giggles “This little piggy had roast beef” Jimin continued “And this piggy had none” and then Jin also continued. This was what was happening. They would both tease Nefeli by wiggling her toes more than they should, while the only thing she could do was lay there and giggle her poor heart out.

“And this little piggy went” they both paused and shared a knowing look. All this silence and quiet was increasing the anticipation and was making Nefeli so nervous that the only thing she could do was giggle her heart out “Wee wee wee all the way home!” the two boys immediately started spidering her soles with no mercy at all, earning a loud scream of laughter from Nefeli “GAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAO!”

And just like that everyone followed. But on another level. Jungkook and Yoongi brought their fingers onto her ribs and as if they were regulated they started scribbling her fingers under her shirt at the same speed. However in the opposite direction. So no ribs were being leftover. When her left upper ribs were being scratched, her right lower ribs were as well. It was so ticklish that it felt like electricity was hitting her body nonstop.

On the other hand, Namjoon and Hoseok were taking care of her armpits and her neck and ears. Using their fingertips they were fluttering them around her ears and neck while the nails of their other hands were mercilessly digging into the soft flesh of her armpits, touching every sensitive nerve on them.

Taehyung was kneading his little sister’s hip and rubbing fast circles around and on her hipbone, while he didn’t miss the opportunity to shake his five fingertips in the middle of her tummy, earning a high-pitched squeal and more squirming from Nefeli as she was giggling her heart out, mixed with the howling laughter she was unable to hold in.

And last but definitely not least Jimin and Jin were gliding fastly their nails all over her socked soles, heels, and toes. Never too fast never too slow. Always with the same speed and always unstoppably. And always making every hair on Nefeli’s body straighten up.

Nefeli at this point was laughing her heart out and it was just the beginning. As much as she was begging in between her howling laughter, the only thing she was managing was receiving more tickles. The major grins mixed with the surprising skilled fingers of the boys and the flustering teases were not doing the young girl any favor as well.

“AHAHAHA MY GAHAHAHAD GUYS PLEAHAHAHASE!” she kept trying to pull her arms down while her spots were being attacked by vicious touches. Smiling and clearly having fun, the boys shared a look of amusement as they kept going with their assault. And they had only just started.

“Please what cutie? Please don’t stop? Aw, we are not going to stop love. You must enjoy it so much, little one!” Namjoon giggled along with Nefeli as his fingers were fastly roaming up and down and left and right her hypersensitive armpits. His cute dimples were making the situation worse every time she would dare to open her eyes a slightly bit, only to see them teasing her with their adorable existence.

A deep red blush was spreading once again on her already rosy from how hard she was laughing cheeks. Pointing out how much she likes being tickled was making her senses go crazy. This was supposed to be a major secret she wanted no one to know. And now that it had been released to the boys, her shyness was on another level. Teases in general wasn’t a topic Nefeli could handle with ease.

“Ahahaw! Your laughter is my favorite sound, sissy! I could do this all day! And you know what the best part is? You love it! You haven’t even said stop yet! How adoooooorable!” Taehyung smirked whilst he was shaking all his ten fingertips onto random places on her tummy and sides. Oh, they just had to point it out once again, only to make the shade of her blush ever darker. Those evil human beings…

In between her loud laughter and giggles, a small scream left the poor girl who was feeling like she had just entered her personal ticklish prison the moment Jin pulled her toes back and had the audacity to start scribbling their base with no warning at all. It felt like millions of mini well-sharpened pencils were poking and writing fastly on her poor shocked foot and this was driving her crazy. “Oh wow, I knew your feet were ticklish but this seems to make you go crazy!” he giggled as he kept going, unbothered by her hysterics.

Not shortly after Jimin followed his older friend’s technique, only to increase the torturous feeling of having her body set of ticklish fire all over, even if this was only caused by a single spot “Coochie coochie coo little Neffie!” he giggled happily.

“BWAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAOT THAHAHAHAT AHAHAHA!” Nefeli screamed at the top of her lungs in ticklish agony. She was trying her hardest to pull her feet back and her arms down so she could curl up and get the ghost tickles to vanish.

However, it wasn’t that she didn’t like it. She was indeed having fun and she wasn’t going to lie about it. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try to escape. Just out of reflex.

“Aw sunshine, you haven’t said stop already! How adorable!” Hoseok whispered in her ear before he blew again in it while his nails were scratching her exposed armpit faster than the speed of the light. Let’s be fair. The wide smiles on the boys’ faces were betraying the fact that they were clearly enjoying it as much as she was.

Especially Jungkook’s famous bunny smile every girl was melting for. It was almost reaching his ears while his eyes were half-closed from how much he was smiling. His cute bunny teeth were teasy by themselves, but them on his face mixed with his mischievous character was the death of every lee like she calls herself.

His hands weren’t giving Nefeli’s ribs and side a break though. Following the same pattern as Yoongi does on her ribs and squeezing her side like no tomorrow, Jungkook was making the young girl feel like electricity was hitting her body.

“Aw, who’s a cute little ticklish girl? You are! Yes, you are!” Yoongi chuckled, focusing on her lower ribs, pinching and bones softly and rubbing the gaps of them with his knuckles. The reaction he was getting was priceless! Nefeli was bouncing on the bed like crazy, while she has thrown her head back in almost hysterical laughter, and a wide-wide smile of pure enjoyment was placed on her face.

“IAHAHA AHAHAHAM NAHAHAHAOT!” she cried in between her loud belly laughter for no reason at all. She didn’t mean it but she couldn’t help it. It was just something that came out of her automatically because she just couldn’t take the teasing.

“Aw, you are not? Aw, then you won’t be able to feel this, right?” Jimin smirked before he grabbed an actual pencil and started scribbling once again her foot.

At this point, everyone had paused for a bit their attack to see the young girl’s reaction, which was simple. She screamed at the top of her lungs once again before she fell in hysterics, trying to pull her feet back desperately. Her toes had curled and her feet were shaking left and right as fast as she could.

Nefeli’s head was feeling like she was being set on fire while uncontrollable laughter was pouring from her mouth like a river filled with pleads and incomprehensible words. It tickled so much that it was like she was losing her mind. And the sharp tip of the pencil which was touching every sensitive hint and nerve on her hypersensitive foot wasn’t helping at all.

“Aw, what’s the problem Neffie? I thought you weren’t ticklish! Why are you laughing?” Taehyung wiggled his fingers just some inches above her sides, making her face turn red once again and adding howling in her already hysterical laughter.

He couldn’t help but keep teasing his little sister. It was a tradition in the Kim family to tease each other, but Taehyung was always the winner. It was times like this that he was proving his skills and his little sister was always on the receiving end.

“AHAHAHA MY GAHAHAHAD I’LL KILL Y’AHAHAHALL!” she squealed loudly into her shoulder at the same time her feet were being tortured in an unprecedented way. Everyone though just laughed at her reaction. Her threats were always nothing but hot air and everyone knew that.

“Aw Neffie… You are in no position to make any threats… Not after what we found out!” Yoongi made his fingers look like claws and wiggled them in front of Nefeli’s face before he brought them on her ribs and started clawing there unstoppably. Jungkook on the other hand was poking all over her ribs and side while the wide yet flustering bunny grin he had wasn’t leaving his face.

At this point, Nefeli was laughing like that was the last thing in the world for her to do. Her whole body was feeling like she was being hit by millions of injections of ticklishness and like feathers were stroking her way too sensitive for her own good ears. Her cheeks had turned a deep shade of red while the corners of her smiley mouth were almost reaching her ears. And yet she hadn’t said the ‘stop’ everyone was expecting to hear. If she wanted to be fair, Nefeli hadn’t been tickled in so long like that. It was mostly her friends in school who were tickling her and now with the lockdown, she had missed that. And she was having fun.

Hoseok had decided to take care of her whole arm. He was dragging his index finger slowly down her arm while his other hand was wiggling his fingers fastly on her soft armpit, creating a confusing but still hell of a ticklish feeling. The young girl didn’t know how to react. She was feeling like even louder giggles were building up inside her, but at the same time they wouldn’t get out. And that was making her mind spin right round, driving her crazies every second that was passing.

At that point, Nefeli’s laughter was probably annoying her neighbors from how loud it was. But it wasn’t like she could change it. It was impossible to keep it in however hard she was trying and I think we can all understand why.

“THAHAHAHAT IS NAHAHAHAOT FAHAHAHAIR AHAHAHAHA!” she screamed at the top of her lungs in between her echoing laughter. She arched her back as much as she could while she was trying to curl up with no avail of course.

“Aw why not, Neffie? Because you are too ticklish to take it? Or because we are not tickling you how you would want to?” Jin questioned playfully whilst he was rubbing his knuckles on her way smaller than his hand sole. Seriously, her foot was half his palm! “C’mon, tell us what you want, why don’t you tell us how you wanna be tickled?”

Tilting his head to the side, Namjoon took a look at the screen just out of curiosity. Soon though, a wide smirk reappeared on his face “Hm… Here it says she loves nibbles and raspberries…” he exclaimed while he was looking at the laughing girl underneath him.

Suddenly, the tickles abruptly stopped other than some pokes of Taehyung around her midsection, only to keep her squirmy and giggly. The smirk which was placed on every boy’s face could tell Nefeli that she would soon regret posting that detail.

The young girl widened her eyes in fear while she was still giggling and wiggling around as much as she could due to the alive restraints on her body. Oh, mouth tickles were indeed something she loved but at the same time, they were her worst fear when it comes to tickling. Especially nibbles!

“So… Nibbles, huh?” Jimin’s voice came out teasy and flustering. Raising Nefeli’s now barefoot, he sat in front of it so Nefeli could see his wide grin of mischief right before he opened his mouth and started nibbling her hypersensitive toes.

The shriek Nefeli let out was loud enough to wake up the dead before she fell into hysterical laughter. She felt like electric shots hit her body the second Jimin’s sharp teeth touch her toes and she started thrashing around like crazy.

“BWAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHA!” she couldn’t even form whole words from how much it tickled. The whole universe had stopped from her and the only thing which was happening at that moment was her feet being tortured by sharp and teasy teeth.

And just like that everyone else followed. Hoseok and Namjoon kept skittering their fingers all over her wide-open armpits. But the worst part was that Hoseok was nibbling the right crook of her neck while Namjoon was raspberrying her other crook of the neck.

Jungkook and Yoongi had taken care of ribs. Their teeth were touching every sensitive bit of her skin, passing over both the bones and the gaps between her bones “Don’t you even dare to pretend you didn’t love that Neffie!” Yoongi exclaimed in between his torturous nibbling.

Jin had decided to copy Jimin’s choice and he also started nibbling on Nefeli’s foot faster than the speed of light. However, this time he had chosen the sole to attack, in contrast to Jimin who was enjoying eating her poor toes “Nom nom nom! Such delicious little toes I have here!”

And last but not least Taehyung was taking care of his little sister’s sides and tummy, attacking them with berries and nibbles “Ah let me blow a raspberry on your tummy! I am hungry Neffie, I have to eat!” he giggled before he dived in her tummy and started blowing unstoppable raspberries and occasionally nibbling from one side to another, touching her bellybutton too which was suddenly turn from no ticklish at all to ultra-sensitive.

Nefeli had thrown her head back in hysterical laughter, but that was the only thing she could do. She couldn’t move at all from how exhausted she was. Her cheeks and mouth were stretched and her lungs were burning from all the laughter. Her tummy was aching and her whole body was shaking while her laughter had turned silent. She was slowly reaching her limits and it was obvious.

“P-Pleahahahase mercy!” was the only thing she managed to scream before she fell into completely silent laughter, signaling the boys to let her go. Which happened.

Immediately all the boys pulled away and Taehyung placed softly his little sister on his lap. His hand went under her shirt, making Nefeli flinch a bit “Relax Neffie, I just wanna give you tummy rubs” he chuckled before he did as he said.

Melting completely, Nefeli’s breathing finally came back to its normal even though the wide smile she had didn’t leave her face. She had the fun of her life and she wasn’t going to hide it. Especially by the favorite people in her life right now. She felt safe.

“Are you okay, dove?” Hoseok stroked her eyes softly with a sweet smile on his face, filled with affection and care about her and whether she was feeling alright. Nefeli only gave him a small nod before she buried her face into her older brother’s neck all shy and red from the blush that hadn’t left her face.

“Now we know that we are going to have so much fun!” Jimin giggled clapping his hands in excitement “So much fun! You are going to love it Neffie!” everyone giggled at their reaction with the agreement, causing the young girl to turn even shier.

Jin and Namjoon were smiling widely seeing Nefeli’s reaction while Yoongi just leaned back on the headboard “And we will discover more of your weaknesses in a future round 2!” he smirked widely, knowing full well he was flustering her even more.

“At least you had fun, right?” Namjoon asked as he placed a soft hand on her back, rubbing reassuring circles on it. Nefeli only nodded, hiding even more into Taehyung’s face who just chuckled amused.

Ah, her life after that discovery would be way different, but she wouldn’t mind. The only thing that would change was that she would have more fun. Even though she would never say it out loud…
