#lesbian bet




Me and my best friend Nicole had our own a little after party when everybody left our apartment… Our retro costumes were so hot we kept them on while we played together…. well most of it atleast lol

I can make a girl crave girls for the rest of her life, Janice said.

With just a kiss.

Even with all this talk, even taking into account the crazy vibe of the retro party that night, the pink neon lights, the steady beat of electronic bass, the many rounds of jello shots, the wine coolers, and the drunken talk that culminated in Janice’s boast, Chelsea wasn’t buying it.

It seemed way overconfident, even coming from Janice.

Certain facts were not up for debate. Janice was very attractive, no one could claim otherwise. She had a strong sensual vibe that even her straight friends found alluring (a few had nervously admitted to it… though never in her presence). Then there was the matter of Janice’s reputation, which had followed her since her college days: the hot lez chick who could make any straight girl doubt herself.

There had to have been some basis to it. Most guys were terrified of her, to the point of jealously quizzing their girlfriends if word came that said girlfriends had attended a party, and that Janice happened to be there. The guys who did allow their girlfriends to frequent Janice socially put up a brave front of feigned nonchalance, but in private fatalistically accepted that they could not stop the inevitable should it occur, living in hope that their girls would not fall under the irresistible spell of the dreaded lesbian succubus.

The words still hung in the air. I can make a girl crave girls for the rest of her life, with just a kiss.

It’s not that Chelsea was offended by Janice’s boast, even though it seemed directed at her. She wasn’t even against the notion of taking Janice up on it, in principal. Chelsea had already admitted to her friends that she was a little curious. But the point was that it was just that, idle curiosity. Deep down, Chelsea knew she preferred men. No question about it.

Janice wouldn’t be able to change her mind. And if she did, Janice certainly wouldn’t do it with just a kiss.

The gauntlet had been thrown. Challenge had been issued. The rest of the girls around the table laughed and applauded, a few whooped and whistled (though everyone was secretly a bit nervous at the tension that followed).

Janice had a strange smile as she stated back at Chelsea, the aura of someone convinced she could back up her outrageous claim. When the rest of the girls got up an headed for the dance floor, leaving the two of them alone, Janice and Chelsea looked that each other in silence. The question hung in the air between them.

Finally, Chelsea nodded, letting her curiosity get the better of her. This has nothing to do with Janice’s boast she told herself. She had always wondered what it might be like to kiss another woman, and maybe this was the best time to find out. To put her curiosity to bed once and for all. Over and done with.

Chelsea gradually became aware of the shallowness of her breathing and of the racing pace of her heartbeat as Janice leaned forward. The whole thing felt strange. Otherworldly.

And perfect, somehow.

Chelsea forgot where she was the instant Janice’s lips melted into hers.

The next moment of awareness came… after. Chelsea wasn’t sure when. She had lost track of time all of a sudden, as the sensual thrill completely overwhelmed her, coursing through the whole of her body, leaving her faint, dizzy, and wet.

Belatedly, Chelsea remembered to start breathing again. The feel of Janice’s soft lips had been something beyond her comprehension, vanishing all her inhibitions even before her brain could form the thoughts.

Her mouth became a conduit for unbridled desire as it leaned in for another taste of Janice’s lips.

Chelsea consciously and willingly surrendered to the inevitable truth.

Janice had awakened her true self.

With a kiss.

The bet was an hour ago. But your wife is still kissing her best friend. Passionately.it’s a sure be

The bet was an hour ago. But your wife is still kissing her best friend.


it’s a sure bet you lost more than fifty bucks…

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