#let chris evans feel proud of his last movie as cap











Avengers Endgame thoughts

I haven’t seen the movie yet. I’ve seen people’s reactions to it though. Lots of people feel very strongly about the movie and that’s understandable. It was something that I expected going in when I realized that several actors would be done with MCU after this, including Chris Evans.

What I did not expect was for Chris Evans to receive backlash over the movie. Seriously? What the hell is wrong with people? You really want the movie to be different that badly? I can guess what happened, or didn’t happen, and I assume Steve didn’t end up with Bucky. Which, in fairness, is a somewhat unreasonable expectation to go into the movie with. But Chris Evans doesn’t control what gets written into the movie. This backlash is childish at best.

What’s worse, the worst part in my opinion, is the hashtag. Not my Steve Rogers? Really? This is a slap in the face, a flagrant violation of who Chris Evans is as a person. It reduces every good thing he’s done down to a few moments in a film that his supposed fans didn’t agree with. I don’t care if Steve ended up siding with Thanos, it’s wrong.

Do you know why it’s wrong? Because it directly mirrors the aftermath of the 2016 American presidential election. Does the hashtag notmypresident ring any bells? Anyone? Disgruntled “fans” are comparing Chris Evans, a kind, humble, goofy, intelligent, passionate man to Donald Trump, a horrible, self centered, arrogant, petty, cruel excuse for a human being. In what reality does this make sense? In what world does an actor who played a role as it was written to the best of his ability get put on the same level as a morally deficient politician who only cares about helping himself?

I am disgusted that this is even happening.

Will I like like every second of Avengers Endgame? Maybe, maybe not. Will I like how Steve Rogers’ story ends? Maybe, maybe not. I have no way of knowing these things. But one thing I will never do is hate Chris Evans for it if I don’t. He is a man I love and admire and he deserves better than this.

oh my god :O I forgot all about that other hashtag and now i’m can’t stop thinking about this…………….oh wow, now i’m even more mad at that dumb steve hashtag

I will forever fucking re-blog this.

I don’t care that you don’t like the ending. I will simply unfollow.


He does not deserve some mis-guided fan hatred. He did an absolutely stellar job of bringing Steve to life.

Oh, if you don’t like this, the unfollow button us up there.

What upsets me is that Chris Evans was happy with how it went. He tweeted he was happy he has said in press he was happy he has not once shown in his actions or facial expressions that he was unhappy with the way his character ended his arc. Who are we to question what Chris is happy with. There is a difference between fan fiction and canon and this is it. To send hate to the wonderful person Chris is (who by the way in case people forget has anxiety) is wrong. As my grandson says (who by the way :Spoiler sobbed over the loss over a character) at 7" ITS JUST A MOVIE! “

Oh, God, I forgot about that. I’m sitting here horrified.

Okay, now I don’t care what people have to say regarding what’s coming next.

You all that are sharing this hashtag and bitching about what happened to Steve are ungrateful, delusional, bratty little pieces of shit.

Howdare you, in any way, even by accident, mirror a hashtag like this, when it represents a man who in NO WAY embodies ANYTHING that America is about. We’ve said for years that Chris Evans basically is Captain America… and now you’re putting him on par with the real life version of HYDRA?

Ihateyou people.

I’ve said a bunch of other things in other posts that are all logical reasons for Endgame ending up the way it did (fandom isn’t canon, there are plot holes and lack of explanations in the time loop, Steve was always a man out of time), but this is purely emotional. This is fucking personal.

This man is bringing out all the worst things about our country and glorifying them, ripping apart families, making people afraid to just exist, and you’re putting Steve Rogers on par with that?

You absolutely can go fuck yourselves in the ass with a fucking spike. This is NOT okay. I’m seriously close to crying because of this.

Firstly, for everybody complaining that a gay character was only in the movie for five seconds and oh boo hoo, it wasn’t the one you wanted, let me remind you who played that character.

Joe FUCKING Russo.

Yeah, that guy. Joe Russo, who you’ve bitched at and called names because your two favorite white guys didn’t fuck. And you know what? It was only five minutes. I wish we could have seen a nice kiss or something, maybe between Valkyrie and Okoye (God, that’s a power couple), but let me also remind you that Disney is a huge corporation, and I believe its CEO (or the CEO of Marvel Studios, can’t remember which) is a TRUMP SUPPORTER.

Unfortunately, people still suck, and things don’t change just because you want them to. There’s actual work involved. People DIE for change. They lose sons and daughters and parents and friends for it. You want real change? Get off the goddamn internet, stop placing the blame on the wrong people, and go take a real risk for it, you fucks.

Secondly, everyone on here claiming that Steve needed to “move forward” clearly has never been diagnosed with anything in their lives, or they are so goddamn dysfunctional that they have no business interacting with the real world. Yeah, I said it. And here’s why.

1. Thor. Yeah, he’s a comedic actor and he’s great at what he does, but his arc was NOT comedic. I was forcefully reminded of a family member of mine, who blamed himself for being abused, for my mother’s abuse, and for his mother’s abuse. Thor’s breakdown was so real it physically hurt. And my family member didn’t get to talk to his mom. He died at 62 with nothing but a few friends, a shitty trailer, and a load of debts. DO NOT come on here and whine about Thor’s arc. That shit was REAL. It was only cloaked in comedy so it didn’t hurt more.

2. Nebula and Steve. I’ve said it before, but I’ll add this. Tony got to go back and see his dad. Thor went back and saw his mom. Natasha died. Oh, I’ll get to that. But Nebula? She went back, faced a sister she thought didn’t love her, and begged her to help fight the man who had abused them both. And not only that, she tried to save her own damn self, and when her past self didn’t move on, she shot it dead. She knew better than to hope for a miracle. She did what she needed to do, what was best for HER. And so did Steve.

This isn’t a damn coffee shop AU, people. Steve wasn’t gonna get a puppy and run a support group and serve pastries while new teams were being built, and help out occasionally. NO. That’s YOUR version of Steve, the one you made up in fandom, and who you seem to think is the only one that exists. No. Steve is Steve is Steve, and STEVE did what was best for him. As I’ve also said, PLOT HOLES ABOUND, but Steve became the man he was supposed to be. Not Steve “I can do this all day” Rogers, because CLEARLY, he didn’t want to, and not Steve “I’ll fight everything that breathes” Rogers, and not Steve “Captain America sometimes when Sam isn’t working” Rogers, but just Steve Rogers, the man who might have existed had there been no war and no HYDRA. The artist with a wife he loved and the quiet life he earned. (Plot holes aside)

Did none of you all notice that he didn’t get a closure moment back in time? He battled himself, while clearly disgusted with who he had been, and set himself on the same track to be who he was by giving himself something that was more important than the constant fighting. And guess what? He achieved his mission. Bucky is safe. He has diplomatic immunity, and friends, and goats, and he likes the modern world.

For Steve, to go back to that time and recreate himself into something he never got to be WAS absolutely moving forward. We’ve never really known Steve Rogers the man, because he’s never had a chance to exist. Any Steve Rogers in the future would have still been a shade of who he wanted to be, not because he never got Peggy, but because he never got himself.

We, as people with no magic or time travel or stones, have no choice but to move forward. But people sometimes break before they do it, and sometimes they make decisions that look wrong but are right. FOR THEM. And sometimes, all we can do to help them is plant a seed and hope they grow it. Steve didn’t really have a positive arc in the movies. He went further and further into a state of self disgust that never would have survived whatever AU bullshit the fandom could have come up with. His arc was simply self awareness.

Steve Rogers never existed in the modern world. Ever.

And all of you idiots trying to deny him that because A) you’re hung up on a stupid ship that NEVER EXISTED ANYWHERE but in your heads or B) because you clearly have no idea of how mental health works (SPOILER ALERT: IT’S DIFFERENT FOR EVERYBODY) can take your spoiled brat selves and shove your offensive hashtag up your nose and in your brain, and rot on it.

How dare you bully and belittle a man who played a character that did nothing but fight people like you his whole life and pay for it. Guess you and Trump have more in common than you think.

Hit the goddamn unfollow button, too. You’re not welcome here.



Thank you.


What she said. 

Ike Permutter is the Trump supporter @sexylibrarian1 is talking about. He was over marvel studios until 2015 when it was moved under Disney’s leadership instead of Marvel Entertainment.

Can I give my opinion as to why the MCU hasn’t had openly gay characters? China. And by China I mean the Chinese government not the people. China would not allow the movie to be shown there. And you see how much money the MCU makes in China. Disney’s not gonna give that up. I guess the Joe Russo scene squeaked by cause they could change it in translation.

And I’ve wondered if when they do have a gay character(s) if that would appease the shippers that have been screaming about representation to justify making their ship canon? Probably not, because it wouldn’t be their ship.

Btw, I was very upset at the ending at first (and I see Steve and Bucky as brothers) because I was reeling from everything that had happened and I didn’t think they got a proper goodbye. Also, the time travel in my head was linear.

Once I read some different perspectives and wrapped my head around the multiverse theory, I did a 180 and am happy with Steve’s choice. And I can’t wait to see where they take Bucky and Sam.
