#lets just be honest

Here is a two page preview of the comic I made as part of the For The Love Of Monsters anthology curHere is a two page preview of the comic I made as part of the For The Love Of Monsters anthology cur

Here is a two page preview of the comic I made as part of the For The Love Of Monstersanthologycurrently fundraising on Kickstarter! It’s a monster romance anthology, which is one of my most favourite genres, and I’m so excited I got to be a part of this book!

My comic is called “(Don’t) Let Them Consume You” and is a short surreal story about love and longing and the desire to remain constant and consistent in the face of change.  Also… it’s about a big maw and lots of teeth because, look: it’s 2018 and (Marge Simpson voice) I just think they’re neat.

For The Love Of Monsters is currently funding on Kickstarter and the campaign is entering its last week, which means time is running out to back this great book full of romance, monsters, and more! Check out the project to learn more of the lineup and the anthology right here! >> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/30379842/monstrously-queer-comic-anthologies

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EstellaStarr Brings The Realness to her Audition


OM: So what did you do for your audition and how was that experience?

Estela:I sang an original song that I wrote and I also read a little script as well that they asked me to. The experience was great and it was awesome to see finally, someone being a person of their word, because I met Annmarie about two years ago for an audition I did for someone else and you know networking and I got her information. Me and her never kept in contact after that, so the fact that she still remembered me was awesome. She sent me an email asking me to audition and I thought it was awesome of her to remember me, so with just that alone I had more confidence with audition. I’m not gonna lie, I was a little nervous. I actually didn’t know how well I did. But it was a great experience. I drove down there from New York, so just the drive alone…it was fun. It was fun for me; overall the experience was great.

OM: Definitely. You said that you sing, can you tell us more about what you do with music?

I actually used to rap and I took some time off, you know how life gets in the way sometimes, to be realistic, so I took some time off to go to school. Later I started writing again and trying to get back into the music game. So I started singing; and I’ve always sang, so I was able to do the NBA All Stars soundtrack and a few other projects here and there. So now I’m just working on an EP, trying to get involved and get work. My music is more on the soulful hip-hop vibe, but I write anything. 

OM: What is your ambition?

Estela: I’m an account manager for Red Bull and I also do real estate. But as for my ambition, I’m a very creative person and I realized throughout the years that I belong in this type of industry. I like to help people so that’s one of the main factors. Aside from that it’s my passion: music; and what I’m trying to say is so underrated and shed some light (on topics I care about). I want to talk about things that are really going on. There’s certain things I want to do with my music. I want to be heard and for those that feel like they don’t have someone or (anything). I just want to be able to help people through my music. I love to sing, I love to write music, so that’s my main goal. I know it may sound a little, cliche, but it’s the truth.

OM: What do you want to get out of this opportunity?

Estela: I would love to be able to work with Miss Annmarie for sure. She’s very inspiring. Just me following her on Instagram on social media (piqued my interest). Again, her keeping her word meant so much to me even if I weren’t to make the show or still work with her it made me good to feel there are still people like her in this industry.I feel like I can be a great benefit for what she’s trying to do and accomplish. Of course, I want my music to be heard. I want my music to be heard for the women out there who are trying to do positive things in life. For the single mothers out there that feel like they have to go the left route, or have to do certain things for their children, or they feel alone. You know I really want to touch everyone, but those are my main targets, because that’s who I am. I have a child, stuff like that. 

OM: What are you passionate about: whether that be a cause or something you believe in?

Estela:Honestly, if you really think about it there’s so many single mothers out there. Soooo many single mothers out there and its like they don’t really get the recognition they deserve. And it’s not necessarily about recognition, because that’s not, again, my main focus is to touch people through my music because that’s what it does to me. My own music it touches me; it relieves my stress whenever I feel some sort of way. So imagine what it could do for other people. As a single mom, it’s so hard you know? It made me open my eyes to my mom and what she went through with and my sisters and it’s like wow. (If) this is how I feel towards myself and my mom’s situation imagine all the other single women out there. It’s good to have a little of that so people see that. There are people out there going through this, there are people who want to make things better. So that’s what I’m passionate about: being positive and making a change.

OM: What is something people don’t know about you that you would like them to know about you?

Estela: That I’m never gonna stop. (laughs)

I’m just really passionate. I really believe in myself. It’s so weird sometimes. Even when I’m at my worst I’m like “Nope!”. It’s a serious self-belief, that’s why I keep going despite any challenges. Not only that, I can be hood, I can be all of the above, but it’s okay to have that and also have the positive. Everyone just focuses on the negative and it’s okay to have that and be realistic, but it’s also okay to put a light on the positivity (in your situation) as well.

OM: Where can people follow you and how can they support you? Put yourself on.

Estela:Right now, since I’m in the transition of starting over again, I don’t really have much out but I am on Instagram and Facebook:


Can I be real honest? A person like me is needed on the show. I feel like I can touch anybody. I can be hood, but I can also be positive, I’m also a single mother, I also have a 9-5, I’m also grinding with the music, I don’t give up It’s just…I don’t know, I feel like I would be a great attribute whether in front of the camera or behind the scenes. 
