#lets make it happen

king-cipher: liziferous:That time we went as gender-bent Dipper and Wendy to a Valentine’s cosplay e



That time we went as gender-bent Dipper and Wendy to a Valentine’s cosplay event because why not!

I love how height-proportional this is.. Creates the illusion that we are normal-sized humans and not 5'11" and 6'6". Go figure!

@zeegyboogydogg this is the photo I think of any time you joke about being genderbent Wendy

@king-cipher this could be a thing that could happen
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Audio fanfics

You know what I realize we need? Audio fanfics…. like audio books but for fanfiction. Because as I’m sitting here at work and we’re only allowed to use our phones for music or other types of listening, I find myself distracted because I really really want to continue a fanfic. So yeah I vote that we of the InuYasha Fanfic Reading Community make this happen some how!… that is all
