#letterkenny problems

added a bunch more of my faves ;0; 

added a bunch more of my faves ;0; 

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back at it again with the letterkenny fanart

back at it again with the letterkenny fanart

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and THAT is what you do with a nazi


So I’m watching behind-the-scenes stuff for Letterkenny on Youtube and I cannot believe that the guy who plays Stewart:





Season 6 has a lot of highlights, but finally freeing Tyler from the wig is definitely up there. 


Have some Letterkenny goofs. Heard the show’s finally on Hulu now after not being available in the US for years. I’d highly recommend it.

You and your pals were foolin’ around on set th'other dayyyy….

Bro. Bro.



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One of my favorite scenes from Letterkenny

This show hurts my brain

Can’t blame you, it’s like a shakespearian comedy about nothing, sped up, with the Middle English replaced by equally obfuscatory Albertan slang.

Excuse you that ain’t Albertan that’s the wrong coast. It’s Ontario slang.



“You’re a C-Hair away from gettin’ C-Suckin’ socked, good buddy.”


Reilly and Jonesy: Sorry we’re late, we were doing stuff.

*Shoresy walks in, hair and clothes a mess*



Characters as Retail Workers:

Wayne: The Decent Supervisor. Strict, but not an ass. Will actually let you call in sick as long as you do it on time. Tells you what to do and leaves you alone to do it.

Katy: The Veteran Cashier. Has worked here longer than anyone knows. She sticks up for herself because she knows she’s too good at her job to be fired for something like that. Adopts all the baby cashiers and defends them against asshole customers.

Darry: The Seasonal Worker. Doesn’t usually stay in one store for long, usually gets cut at the end of season. He’s a good worker and gets along well with everyone so it’s always sad to see him go.

Dan: The Good Manager. He follows the rules with everyone, including the customers. He doesn’t break policy for anyone and will gladly call security if they make a scene. He’s a nice guy but if you take it for granted, you will be called aside for a little talk that leaves you feeling very nervous and more respectful than before.

Glenn: The Chatty One. Cashier or floor associate, he will talk your ear off. Gossip about the new girl? He knows it. The customer who tried to shoplift three weeks ago? He’s got them on Instagram and warns when they’re on their way to the store. He tends to waste your break with meaningless drivel, but he also brings cookies so who really cares.

Reilly and Jonesy: The Overnight Stock guys. Sleep schedule? What sleep schedule? ALways grumbling about what closing shift didn’t clean up and how they have to rearrange the store every other day to fit new merch. Absolutely HATE mega sales because closing shift never finishes putting up signs so now that’s more they have to do. But it’s good work and they can play whatever music they want over the loudspeakers so they can’t complain too much.

McMurray: The HR Veteran. He’s always getting reported for inappropriate comments but he manages to slip by every time since he never actually DOES anything, he just says stuff. No one really likes him and they all silently wish he would quit. Good luck getting someone to cover your shift.

Coach: The Awful Manager. No one likes him. He’s always yelling over the headsets to “get the fucking line down!” but never bothers to get on register and help. Passive-aggressively cuts hours if he doesn’t like you and gives them to the Manager’s Pets. Daily Conversation: “I need you to thing X but do thing Y first.” [two minutes later] “WHY AREN’T YOU DOING THING X?” Never lets anyone call in sick and constantly schedules people on requested days off.

Stewart: The Guy Who’s Just There for the Check and Doesn’t Hide It. Complains about the work regularly, but never in earshot of the boss. Does it well enough to stay on but not so good that he gets noticed. Calls in sick pretty often but not so much people get suspicious. Has posted pictures of parties on those days but hasn’t been fired because the store is too understaffed and no one wants to train a newbie.

Roald: The Newbie. Has never worked retail before and probably won’t survive Christmas. Very nice to all the workers and is a bit of a pushover with the customers. Katy and Glenn do what they can for him but sometimes Dan needs to step in.

Darry’s got moves. 

dammitrussellwhy: as promised, here’s that Letterkenny/Hamilton au that absolutely nobody in the wordammitrussellwhy: as promised, here’s that Letterkenny/Hamilton au that absolutely nobody in the wordammitrussellwhy: as promised, here’s that Letterkenny/Hamilton au that absolutely nobody in the wordammitrussellwhy: as promised, here’s that Letterkenny/Hamilton au that absolutely nobody in the wordammitrussellwhy: as promised, here’s that Letterkenny/Hamilton au that absolutely nobody in the wordammitrussellwhy: as promised, here’s that Letterkenny/Hamilton au that absolutely nobody in the wor


as promised, here’s that Letterkenny/Hamilton au that absolutely nobody in the world asked for. of course stewart is the king and i didn’t feel like drawing it but mcmurray is george washington and the auction guy is lafayette and gail is angelica thirsting over wayne

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tumblr dont sleep on letterkenny

Honest to god I can’t understand anything any of them say.

It’s two gay guys using hockey terms to catcall the two presumably straight hockey players (riley and jonesy) who then counter by being comfortable enough to accept the compliments. The conversation then continues along to describe different words and terms for a variety of queer folk as if said words were also hockey players. So when they say a word got cut it’s merely a euphanism for people agreeing not to use that term. The whole scene is two (presumably straight) men being educated gently on the subject by two gay men and listening rather than bickering.

this dialogue is like something out of a greek drama it’s both downright melodic and utterly incomprehensible

Letterkenny is 100% the inheritor of Shakespeare’s legacy.

You can watch “Letterkenny: Valentimes Day” February 1 on @cravecanada or February 14 on @hulu if you want to.

You can watch “Letterkenny: Valentimes Day” February 1 on @cravecanada or February 14 on @hulu if you want to.


Letterkenny is so fucking funny mcmurray pulling out a knife at the possibility of a homophobe is such a mood


Letterkenny is so fucking stupid but it’s really feeding me that good fucking food.






hard right jay

Things that are great about this scene from Letterkenny:

  • The actress is named Kaniehtiio Horn, and she’s Mohawk, grew up on the Kahnawake reservation, which is in Quebec
  • “We don’t practice violence” “We do”

further context for this scene:

  • the local youth soccer team, at the request of the nearby rez, declared they were going to change their name from ’ the chiefs’ to something not racist
  • the rural white community was totally supportive of this
  • ‘hard right jay,’ played by Jewish actor jay baruchel, heard about the change online. he is not a local – he is a neo-nazi from the city
  • he travels to this rural town and approaches the white locals, trying to recruit them into his ‘hard right’ ideology and get them angry about the name change. he assumes this will be easy
  • the white locals are hugely insulted by this, because a) they support the name change and b) they aren’t fucking nazis
  • jay calls in a bunch of nazi out-of-towners to stage this ‘protest.’ none of the hard-right people in his group are locals
  • after watching jay spend the whole episode acting like he’s so Respectable and Reasonable and Intellectual while spouting nazi rhetoric, watching Tanis beat his ass is extremely cathartic

That dude sounds EXACTLY like Hiccup Haddock

That is the guy who voices hiccup








Granny Weatherwax is the toughest guy in Letterkenny

Granny Weatherwax, sitting outside her cottage: ‘couple o’ travelling players come up the produce stand theotherday’

“Dial it back about ten to twenty percent there, Gytha.”

“Wish you weren’t so fuckin’ awkward Magrat”

“Granny, that was some of the finest chirping we’ve ever seen.” 

- The Lords and Ladies 

*cold open*

“Lancre consists of hicks, poachers, witches and Shawn Ogg.

These are their problems.”

#this is currently my favourite post#Discworld#letterkenny#lancre only has 500 inhabitants but if you look at the job market shawn ogg is at least 23 of them(via@the-tao-of-fandom)

Thank you for Quality Lancrekenny Content


He knew he fucked up ! #letterkenny #season8
