

Dear Fanbase,

Thank you for following me throughout the years and for appreciating the cultivation of fine art through connoisseurship. As you well know on December 17, 2018 Tumblr will cease to exist as we know it, many NSFW blogs will be silenced, and marginalized communities will be prevented from self-expression. This blog will probably not be effected greatly given that it is not a Adult content blog, however I have grown weary of the Internet’s growing animosity toward freedom of speech and the right to self-expression and self-exploration over the years. I have seen fellow art historians get banned from Facebook for simply posting photos of statues which in no way violated the policy of Facebook which allows for nudity in art and in protest to be displayed. But on December 17, what makes me most angry, is that Tumblr and it’s corporate pigs will not even allow for nudity in the form of art or in protest. They will not make the distinction. And while I fully support the right of all adult content blogs to post whatever they want with the exception of child porn I don’t think it’s right to go about banning an entire community which singles out LGBTQ and minorities. This is a violation of our fundamental first amendment rights to not only self-expression but also violates the 14th Amendment allowing all citizens the right to equal protection under the law. Although many Tumblr bloggers have vowed that they will stay put and have put blog over fundamental human rights, that is not the right thing to do in my opinion. Every time I scroll down my feed and see all these blogs that will be wiped out on December 17 my blood boils and it sickens me all this work put in for 11 years, some here since 2007. The connections people have built, the ties that will be broken all by a corporate decision to make more money from advertising. I hope some of us will file suit against Tumblr for breaching their contracts and causing much harm and distress. And to those bloggers who vow to remain on the platform putting Tumblr over your fundamental rights? Have you no dignity or shame? What if the bot nazis decides to one day come for you? This is a decision that I hope nobody will have to make. Tumblr leaves many with no viable option of other platforms to move to and their extraction software is spotty. But we must do something. Tumblr must suffer for this. They cannot get away with this atrocity. They need to be sent into oblivion. It is with this that I plan to move to another blogging platform at a later date. I WANT to see Tumblr die. I am angry at these corporate pigs as we all should be. We should not be complacent and remain just to stroke our egos and to remain put to keep our follower count. This will only get worse from here on out. Mark my words.


Nec Spe Nec Metu
