

my mind saw this behind the scenes redemption post and made it. very sad. and i think unleashing it would be generally unhealthy for us all

but suffice to say that parker, trying to helpful, thinks that finding a successor to meg would cheer hardison up and hardison is NOT taking it well

in the emergency situations where hardison can’t find anyone to sit meg last minute and has to bring her down the hall to nate’s place briefly, she will just sit and look happily up at nate for the entire duration of her stay. even when he looks down every so often and reminds her “i’m allergic and i’m not petting you. you’re better off laying down on the floor over there, shoo.” this is because meg does not understand anything except love and affection, and also her head is filled with elevator music. nate can’t really put up a fuss when she rests her enormous head on his leg, even though it makes his nose itch to have her so close



the “eliot pining for parker and hardison” storyline is very popular but let’s twist it around shall we. hardison pining for parker and eliot and being nearly positive that it’s unrequited

just! he loves so hard and so much!! and he KNOWS eliot and parker are his people even as he’s a little heartbroken that they don’t seem to feel the same about him,, and so he resigns himself to being there for them and pining from a distance (until he truly decodes their love languages and realizes/is shown how much he means to them too!!!)

[image id: comment by user @littlebigmouse that says “so for the sake of miscommunication for funsies, Hardison starts decoding their love languages but only with respect to other people. While Eliot and Parker are increasingly trying to flirt with him/have special ways of interacting with Hardison bc they love him too so Hardison doesn’t clock their horrible subconscious flirting” /end id]

sorry this is hilarious

still thinking about hardison and that fucking painting. the old nate painting

hardison becoming gabe’s default babysitter because he’s the only one who can be trusted to listen to the same elephant facts for two hours with polite interest



Can someone smarter than me please explain why the lift handoffs in leverage are so goddamn intimate?

Like, I am handing you this stolen object discretely and out of sight from everyone else. Our hands are touching but we’re not looking at each other at all. We are passing through a crowded room heading in opposite directions yet we are on the same team and we are having a brief point of contact to exchange something important and illicit. We are complementary parts of a greater design, two fitting cogs of a machine we’ve built together.

Somebody sedate me, what is this?

crime is sexy
