#lgbt london


Today I went to ‘Gay’s the Word’, the only LGBT bookshop in London. I asked nicely if they had a bisexual section, and the cute guy said, nicely, they didn’t due to a lack of books to fill such a section. They had, instead, a few books dotted about, such as 'Getting by’, and a memoir by Kate Millett, which I bought. But I asked for some recommendations, and they didn’t really have any, other than a biography of Byron, and another of a wife of the Archbishop of Canterbury from about 100 years ago. These looked interesting, but is there really nothing more current than this? I felt a little disappointed, and it was one of my first experiences of structural bisexual erasure. In fact, in general, it was quite lacking in queer literature and theory in general, amongst swarms of gay and lesbian fiction, and erotica. They did, however, have a small interesting Trans section. 

I might write to them and ask for a bisexual section to be present, with some recommendations. If you have any ideas please forward them to me so I can suggest them.
