

A Clarification Regarding LGBTmazight’s Exposé and Bloggers Claiming there is Proof of her Identity:

In the past week, we have received these three questions multiple times, so we are going to answer them here before leaving you for the weekend:

  • Is the post doxxing?

No, it is not.

We shared only what Len herself put online first, and even then, as mentioned in the main post, we were careful not to include anything that revealed her full name, which she shared online multiple times even as an adult.

We also did not include many other things she openly discussed and posted herself, such as pictures of her family, of her home, and of her car with the license plate uncensored. In 2017, two weeks before before her 23rd birthday, she openly discussed her father’s place of work, and since 2011 she has been talking openly about the occupations of her mother and at least one other adult family member. She also openly disclosed text messages between her and her family.

These are details that we would never reveal under any circumstances, and we were horrified at her disregard for her family’s privacy and safety.

  • Are the photographs we used used to expose what she truly looks like pictures of her as a minor?

No, they are not.

The earliest picture we shared goes back to February 24th, 2014, when Len was 19 and fewer than 5 months away from turning 20. She shared them openly on Tumblr for a selfie game and was aware that the user who, at the time, was her girlfriend, had reblogged them.

  • Person X contacted me privately, and told me there is proof of Len’s identity and all what you wrote in the post is a lie. Is it true? Did you make everything up?

No, we did not.

You can check for yourself how WayBack Machine works, but you will only find confirmation of the fact that it is impossible to fake entries.

We are curious to know what Len’s proof of her identity could possibly be. So far, we’ve heard shifting stories about people seeing her father’s passport, her passport, videos of her, or family photographs. To this we answer: we never denied that her father was born in Tangier and that Len was born in Athens. Regarding family photos, however, there is a great deal of doubt. Around 2016, she said that most if not all the pictures of her father’s side of the family had been lost in a house fire, which was why she was unable to show them online (to hear her talk, this is only one of the many house fires that both sides of her family have endured). We have also never denied that her mother’s family is ethnically Greek, because it’s one of the few things Len rarely if ever changed over the years. Her mother has always been Greek and Len has always been born in Athens.

If she had an actual defense, she would have posted it already. She hasn’t, because she doesn’t have one. She pretended to speak Darija, pretended to have been poor and lived in the housing projects, pretended to have been a hijabi woman, and pretended to have lived in Morocco. And this is just a taster. She never had a problem mentioning her parents by full name on Twitter when she wanted to talk to Western Twitter users about how foreign and oppressed she and her family were, so the excuse that she has lots and lots of evidence regarding her identity but just can’t post it because she would doxx herself is preposterous.

The fact that many Kpop fans are coming forward to say that they thought for years that Len was Chinese/Asian-American shows that this pattern of behavior (entering a fandom and ascending to the role of overly powerful authority figure by pretending to be the same ethnicity and race as the main characters/people in it) is one she has often repeated. We would not be surprised to find that her claims of being ethnically Jewish, for example, stem from Tumblr’s celebration of the Jewish roots of the Marvel comics’ creators and Stan Lee when the MCU fandom was in its heyday.

In addition, we noticed that none of the people who are defending her by claiming that there is proof of her identity are willing to address her dangerous political beliefs and views.

Len has shown herself to be a constant if not outright compulsive liar. The many pieces of information that she has thrown out over the years regarding who and what she is cannot be put together to create a coherent whole. It is impossible. And there is no defense in the world strong enough to overcome what she did to other people instead of, to quote a current phrase, getting off the computer and touching grass.

LGBTmazight: an update across fandoms

Apparently, our original post has now spread to the Kpop side of Twitter, which is not something we predicted, and we received screenshots of tweets regarding that.

Len has spent years being active in and writing for various Kpop fandoms, going by “figure8”, “8figures”, “8loops”, “junmotions”, and other similar nicknames. The Old Guard was and still is a very small fandom, and it’s very obvious that she took advantage of a space that she could easily colonize. She played up her Moroccan ancestry a couple of months after the movie came out, changed her Tumblr URL, pretended she was fully Moroccan for a couple of weeks, and wrote “informative” posts regarding North African culture.

As we have already mentioned, this pattern of pretending to be a certain ethnicity was not exclusive to The Old Guard. She has been doing it for years, and one of the examples can be found in the main post, namely in the screenshot where she said that her grandmother was of Romani origins so she could lecture people on Dick Grayson’s racial identity. She did a very similar thing in the Seventeen fandom, and possibly others.

On Twitter, she said in late 2013 and for some time after that that at least part of the Greek side of her family is native of Smyrna, a Greek city that is now part of Turkey and was destroyed in 1922 at the end of the Greco-Turkish War. She was adamant that Smyrna is not Turkish, and found it offensive when people would refer to it as such, displaying a great amount of pride specifically in the fact that she was descendant of the survivors of the Great Fire of Smyrna (in other words, always made sure that her Twitter followers knew that she is of Greek origins):


This is why it was a surprise, initially, to discover that on CuriousCat (a second profile called “eightfigures” that she has deleted little after the post was posted) she would define herself as being from “Asia Minor”. That definition is often understood to mean “Turkey”, and no one who is so proud of being Greek and so against Turkey would normally define themselves as such. It took a moment to realize she was using that convoluted definition because she was in various Kpop fandoms at the time, and was doing the same thing she would do in TOG months later: using fine-print definitions to gain power and school others in how to properly write the culture of the fandom she was interested in. In this case, she tried to pass of her supposed “Anatolian Greek” ancestry she also occasionally deployed to say that she was not “white on both sides” as her being Asian.

For someone who claims to have spent the past years being loud and proud of her North African, specifically Riffian Moroccan Amazigh origins, it sure is weird that she was suddenly shy about this side of her identity to the point of hiding it completely.

However, she didn’t stop there. Not only did she use brownface in TOG, but she appears to have used digital yellowface in the Kpop fandom, as these tweets we have received mention. Because of their length, they are under the cut.
