#li bai



Li Po, from A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry, “The Birds Have Vanished,” tr. from the Chinese by Sam Hamill


“Drinking Alone Under the Moon” (月下獨酌) Translation

Drinking Alone Under the Moon (first poem of four)

Li Bai (Tang dynasty poet)

A flask of liquor sat amongst flowers, and I drink alone without friends or family.

I lift my cup to invite the moon, and with my shadow we make three.

But the moon doesn’t drink, and the shadow only follows me.

Nevertheless, I must make the most of this brief companionship.

I sing and the moon sways around, I dance and my shadow flutters about.

While I’m still awake we make merry, only after I fall asleep do we part.

Tonight we form this passionless bond, may we meet again among the distant stars.

月下獨酌 (一)

[唐] 李白








Moving to side blog.

It’s funny how people say “loneliness is a modern creation”. And yet, this perfect poem about loneliness, this perfect proof that loneliness transcends time…was written over a thousand years ago.

angesirene: —Li Bai, Question and Answer on the Mountain, tr. by Keith Holyoak


Li Bai,Question and Answer on the Mountain, tr. by Keith Holyoak

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The Floating Dreams no.1 (浮生若夢之一). Cheuk Ka-wai (桌家慧). Ink and color on silk. 2016.Cheuk Ka-wai, alsThe Floating Dreams no.1 (浮生若夢之一). Cheuk Ka-wai (桌家慧). Ink and color on silk. 2016.Cheuk Ka-wai, als

The Floating Dreams no.1 (浮生若夢之一). Cheuk Ka-wai (桌家慧). Ink and color on silk. 2016.

Cheuk Ka-wai, also known as Cherie, is an artist from Hong Kong. She received both Bachelor and Master of Fine Arts degrees from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her artwork is primarily in the Gongbi (工笔画) style, a realistic, meticulous form of Chinese painting, as opposed to the more freely expressive Xieyi style (写意画).

The Floating Dreams series is inspired by a poem by Li Bai that highlights the fleeting nature of life, comparing Heaven and Earth to a guest house, time to a traveller among hundreds of generations, and life to a dream. 

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