#liam dunbar preference


IED ||Liam Dunbar || Part 1

I decided to combine three request so I can try and catch up with all the request I’ve received. 

Requested: “can i get a liam x reader where the reader also has I.E.D and moved to beacon hills and one day she was getting bullied and all of a sudden she just screamed and punched the guy and stiles and scott saw what happened and then you got brought to the guidance counsellor and got told to work with liam because he was getting better with his. Also could you make it get really fluffy”


“could you please do a Liam smut where it’s their first time (ever) and they’re both kind of awkward at first like with fingering then it starts to all come together and they have passionate sex ?” 


“OMG can you do a Liam imagine based off the game “too hot” (where you have to makeout and can’t touch but first one to touch loses) and it turns to smut??”

“Fuck!”I cursed as I spilled water on my blue jeans.

I let go of the steering wheel and accidentally pressed my foot further onto the gas pedal as I looked down at my legs, jumping as I felt my car run hit something. I looked up to see I had ran over a bike.

“I just got to this stupid school and I’m already having a bad day.”I muttered as I stepped out of my car.

“What the hell man? You ran over my bike!”A dirty blonde boy with brown eyes yelled as he and his friends rushed over.

“I’m so sorry, I was trying to park and I spilled-”I started to say before I was interrupted by the dirty blonde.

“Are you fucking retarded?”The dirty blonde furiously questioned.

Is he for real going to use retard as a way to insult me? Unbelievable.

“Connor, chill! She’s a girl. You know they can’t drive.”The blonde boy with blue eyes spoke up.

A sexist comment? Oh they’re reallytrying me.

“How about you shut your mouths and get out of my way.”I spat, shoving past them.

I had to get away from them before I’d do something they’d regret. Of course something had already happened on my first day in my new school. Suddenly I felt someone hand grip my wrist and that’s when I knew that I probably wouldn’t even get to see the inside of this new school. I swiftly turned around and swung my fist at ‘Connor’. Connor stumbled back into his friends arms who stared at me with shocked expressions.

“Touch me again, I fucking dare you!”I bellowed, breathing heavily.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”Connor yelled as he held his bleeding nose.

“What the fuck is wrong with me?”I asked in disbelief as I started to laugh manically.

“I’ll show you what’s wrong with me.”I seethed as I started charging towards him.

All of a sudden I felt someone grab me from behind and pick me up. I thrashed around on their arms, trying to escape. I kept screaming and grunting when I noticed a brown eyed pale boy start yelling at the person who carried me.

“Scott you’re not helping her by holding her down!”A voice on my right yelled.

The pale boy opened the door to a room where I was thrown into There were lockers everywhere, so obviously it’s a locker room. A boy I hadn’t noticed shoved the guy who held me and the pale one away from the door and closed it. I was still raging when he walked over to me.

“Hey, I know you’re mad but whatever made you explode, raging won’t undo what happened and it won’t make things better.”He reminded me, slowly approaching me.

“Just inhale…and now exhale. Inhale, exhale.”He whispered, doing as he said.

I inhaled and exhaled with the boy and soon quit shaking.

“I’m guessing you have anger issues?”He asked, making me nod as I let out a shaky breath.

“IED to be exact.”I murmured, resting against the nearest locker.

The blue eyed boy smiled lightly making me furrow my eyebrows at him.

“Oh it amuses you? Well I’m glad to be entertainment to you, dick.”I spat, making the blue eyed boy furrow his eyebrows.

“No, it’s not that. It’s just…I have I.E.D too.”He admitted.

I turned to him and smiled like he had earlier.

“Cool- I mean not cool, having I.E.D isn’t cool. It sucks really, but-”I started to say but was cut off by the blue eyed boy.

“It’s cool to meet someone else who has I.E.D. Someone who knows what it’s like.”He spoke up.

I grinned and nodded.

“I’m Liam.”He greeted, holding out his hand.

“(Y/N), and thank you Liam.”I thanked.

“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), to the principal’s office please.”I heard someone say over the intercom.

I sighed and threw my head in my hands. My parents were going to kill me for getting in trouble on the first day. The bell rang, making Liam jump to his feet.

“Shit, I’m late. I have to go sorry, good luck with the principal!”Liam yelled as he ran out.

I groaned and rose to my feet. Not a good start at this new school.

*two weeks later*

“I don’t think you should be here today.”My friend Jessica whispered as we walked through the halls of Beacon Hills High.

“Why not?”I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

Her eyes widened as she looked ahead. As I was about to turn, Jessica grabbed my hand and turned us around.

“Just trust me, you should go home.”Jessica muttered, dragging me away from whatever she had seen.

I yanked my wrist from her grip and turned around.

“I trust you but I can’t leave-”I began to say but stopped as I had finally realized why she wanted me to leave.

On my locker, there were posters of what seemed to be me, but a green version of me. I clenched my fists and stormed over, ripping one of the posters off my locker. People were crowding my locker. Looking closer at it, I realized why I was green in the picture. They were making me look like The Hulk. There were speech bubbles, mocking me for having anger issues and exploding over ‘ stupid reasons’. Anger rose inside me as I began tearing the posters off my locker.

“Aw you didn’t like my gift? That’s too bad, I could’ve sworn it represented you exactly for who you are.”Connor purred.

Jessica ran over to my side, grabbing my arms to keep me from lunging at Connor.

“(Y/N), let’s go. He isn’t worth it.”She tried reassuring me.

I remembered what Liam had told me to do on my first day at school. I inhaled and exhaled a couple of times before forcing a smile onto my face.

“You’re right Jessica, shrimp dick here isn’t worth it.” I muttered, glaring at him.

Connor’s smirk fell, he recently has his nudes leaked. So many people were teasing him over how small his dick is, but honestly, it makes sense.

“Maybe if you didn’t act like a massive dick, you’d probably have an average size dick.”I spat, making the crowd 

Connor’s jaw clenched but relaxed when I turned to my locker. Once I opened it, green paint splattered all over my face. Everyone gasped. I felt my eyes tear up as I looked at my paint stained clothes. I felt completely and utterly humiliated. I felt vulnerable. 

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”Jessica yelled as tears trickled down my face.

“Not so tough now, huh-”Connor started to say before I let out a scream, swinging my fist at his face.

He fell backwards, as I continued to rage. Grabbing his dirty blonde locks, I slammed his face against the floor, continuously until I was yanked away from Connor. I’m pinned against the lockers as I thrash around in the male teachers grip.

“Calm down, quit it!”The male teacher yelled.

“I’ll calm down when you let me go!”I screamed back, glaring at the teacher.

But he didn’t listen.

“Oh you are just the kind of kids that make me wish we could hit you little shits.”The teacher muttered, making me laugh manically.

“Oh try me you old piece of shit.”I spat.

Suddenly the two older boys I had met on my first day of school along with Liam dashed over.

“Coach, she has I.E.D. Most people with I.E.D don’t respond well when you hold them or touch them while they rage.”Stiles spoke up.

“Don’t tempt me, sweetheart.”Coach spat back, ignoring Stiles.

“Oh but I am, sweetheart.”I teased, making Coach fume.

As soon as the Coach gripped me tighter, Scott and Stiles grabbed his arms and managed to get him to release me.

I balled my hand into fists until someone appeared by my side. A brunette grabbed my wrists and held me back from attacking the coach. I glared at the brunette and tried yanking my arms away from her, but she was insanely strong. After Stiles and Scott let go of the coach, he turned to the brunette.

“Malia,take her to the office.”Coach muttered before yelling at everyone to get to class.

Malia dragged me the office where she forced me to sit and wait for the guidance counselor. The guidance counselor and principal stepped out of their offices and talked to me. I explained why I exploded and ‘assaulted’ Connor. After a brief discussion with them, they decided they were going to call my parents to tell them to pick me up because I am now suspended for a week. The principal left to go call my parents while I sat across from the guidance counselor.

“(Y/N), this is partially my fault. I should’ve done this sooner.”She spoke up as she grabbed her mic.

I furrowed my eyebrows and watched as she pressed the black button and began to speak.

“Liam Dunbar, Liam Dunbar to the guidance counselors office. Liam Dunbar to the guidance counselors office, please.”The guidance counselor announced over the intercom.

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. I hadn’t seen Liam since my first day at school. A minute later, Liam walked in. He froze as he noticed me sitting in the chair.

“You asked for me?”Liam spoke up, still standing.

“Liam, yes. Please, sit.”The guidance counselor answered, pointing at the spot next to me on her couch.

Liam pressed his lips into a thin line before sitting on the opposite side of the couch from me. I frowned and felt slightly hurt by his actions.

“Liam since you’ve been getting better with your I.E.D, I was wondering if you could help (Y/N) deal with hers. You know, giver her some tips, anything that would help her.”She explained.

Liam looked over at me while I looked down at my hands before. He sighed and ran his fingers through his beautifully styled brown hair.

“Yeah, sure.”——————————————————————————————

{Requested: hey! i love your liam x readers, do you think you could do one where the reader is scared to fall asleep or something so liam comes over and its just all fluffy? thanks!} 

“Well that was a shit ending…”(Y/F/N) muttered as the screen went black, indicating the movie was finally over.
“Yeah…total shit.”I lied, feeling weary.

“C’mon, you’re not scared, are you?”They asked, making me scoff.
“Me, be scared? As if, that was lame!”I lied, yet again.

“Good, because I can’t stay over tonight.”They muttered as they stood up and grabbed their backpack.

“But what about test tomorrow? We need to study!”I reminded them.

“I have to go home, my parents are waiting for me to eat with them.”They mumbled as they walked towards my door.


“Bye (Y/N)!”They yelled before slamming my front door.

“Well isn’t this just great…”I mumbled.

The music playing while the credits showed made me scrunch up my nose. As if the movie hadn’t scared me enough, the music was just plain creepy. Suddenly the water bottle next to me fell, making me jump to my feet. I quickly ran upstairs as if my life depended on it, practically flying into my room. Immediately grabbing my phone, I called my boyfriend . On the second ring, he picked up.

“Hey babe.”I heard Liam’s angelic voice say on the other line.

“Hey Li, can you do me a favor?”I questioned.

“Yeah, sure. What is it?”He answered.

“Could you either drive here quickly or run here in your fastest werewolf speed?”I asked.

“(Y/N)…what’s wrong? Did someone break into your house? Are you hurt? Fuck, I’m on my way!”Liam rambled on before hanging up.

What the fuck? Why would he hang up? If someone really was at my house, he’d have to stay on the phone with me so he can hear what happens. Stupid werewolf boyfriend…

In about 2-3 minuets, I heard something crash down making me fall of my bed. I heard loud footsteps come from the stairs, which normally no one in my family does, not even Liam. Suddenly I was met by glowing golden eyes and an animalistic roar. I screamed and threw my phone at the wolf-like human. Wait, wolf-like human? I finally looked away from the glowing eyes and sharp fangs to see a familiar light brown hairstyle I loved.

“What the hell Liam?”I yelled as he covered his nose.

“What do you mean what the hell me? What the hell you!”Liam yelled back, trying not to spill blood on my carpet.

“You’re the one that barged into my room and wolfed out on me!”I defended myself.

“Because I thought you were in danger! I ran all the way here and took a shortcut through the woods, that’s why I got dirt and leaves on my shoes and a tree branch in my hair. I looked at the tree branch and giggled slightly, he looked goofy.

“And then you throw your phone at my nose and make me bleed.”Liam muttered, finally spilling blood on my carpet.

“Liam, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

“Well at least you didn’t punch me like Hayden did.”Liam mumbled, making my grin falter.

“Aaaaaaand we’re done here.”I muttered, turning around as Liam began to wash the blood from his hands and nose.

Once Liam was done, he walked over to me.

“What do you mean we’re done here?”He asked, confused.

“Don’t talk about her, at least not around me Li.”I groaned, making his facial expression soften.

“I’m sorry baby, I forgot you don’t like her.”He mumbled, trying to kiss my cheek.

“No.”I grunted, shoving him off.
“C’mon (Y/N), please don’t be mad at me.”He pleaded.

I simply ignored him, shutting my eyes.

“At least look at me-
“No, I know you’re doing your puppy eyes thing. I will not fall for your devious tricks again.”I objected.

“Baaaaaaaabe.”Liam whined.

“No.”I muttered.

“Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe.”Liam continued.

“I said no.”I spat, making him shut up for a few seconds.

“BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABE!”Liam screamed, making me open my eyes.

“What do you want you little twat.”I snapped, making him smirk.

“You’re eyebrows look incredible right now.”Liam replied, making my facial expression soften.

“Awwww Liam, thank you so much! I started using this one- wait a minuet, you tricked me! You just wanted me not to ignore you!”I yelled.

“And it worked.”He beamed, proud of himself.

“Wait. it’s almost 11 pm, are your parents okay with you being out this late?”I asked.

“Yuuuuup.”Liam answered.

“You didn’t ask them, did you?’I asked, not believing him.
“Yuuuuup.”Liam answered, making me roll my eyes.

“Might as well make the best of it…”I muttered as Liam and I slid under my blankets.

“So you called me to sleep with you because you’re scared of a movie?”He asked, making me furrow my eyebrows.

“How’d you know?”I asked, knowing I never mentioned it.

“I saw the movie you were watching downstairs, kind of figured that out when you freaked out on me.”Liam mumbled, making me laugh.

“I get scared easily.”I admitted, shrugging.

“Oh, you don’t say?”Liam sarcastically asked.

“Shut up.”I muttered.

“Scaredy cat, ha ha.”Liam mumbled.

“Shut up!”I raised my voice.

“I’m a werewolf dating a scaredy cat, how ironic. Get it, because werewolves are like dogs nd you’re a scaredy cat-”

“oH MY GOD LIAM!” ——————————————————————————
