#liam rys x riley brooks



Song inspiration: My Love by Sia

A/N: The song above was chosen for me for @moodmusicmonday​’s Luck of the Draw event (thank you for hosting!). This is not what I first planned or expected to write but … yeah. The title sums up everything about this pretty well. Thank you to @dcbbw and @the-soot-sprite for reading this over, and @charlotteg234 for reading this over and the title help. I didn’t want to tag anyone, but I did (this is the one time I’m hoping the tags don’t work and this gets lost in the Tumblr abyss).

Warnings: Angst. Major character death.


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Another lovely, yet heart-wrenching fic submitted for LOTD! Be warned: grab a box of tissues. Thanks, @ao719, for participating and sharing with us this fic!

Luck of the Draw




Happy Belated Birthday, @charlotteg234!

We love you so, so much, and we hope your day was just as incredible as you are!


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I love this entire set up. The magazine pictures were *chefs kiss*

But but but

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@ao719 eep! Thank you so much sweet friend! I’m so happy you liked it!

I think one of the most striking things about Liam is how he loves. That pureness, that humbleness… he genuinely loves with his whole heart. And so when he speaks about his queen… *swoon* I can just picture the most frilly of shit. LOL PS LOVE ME!

And then you know… YOU KNOW his world stops for that sweet baby girl. It was fun pretending in my head how an intimate interview in house might go with a 3 year old running around.

You know I had to knock her up… LOL Gah, I just love this family so much!

Thank you again so much for taking the time to read through this and for the king reblog! You rock!
