#liberal to conservative


Danny always hated his father. He was verbally and physically abusive because he wanted Danny to be what he envisioned: Straight, Christian and for him to take over the construction business after he passed on. Danny, upon turning 18, left his home and refused to have anything do so with his dad. He started to make a life and name for himself from his pottery.

One day, he received a call from an unknown number and answered. He was notified of his fathers passing and that he needs to come in to the office for the reading of the will. Begrudgingly, he decided he might as well go and get it over with so it’ll just be done with already. He was told that his dad was giving everything to him - the house, car, business, money, etc. but only if he signed a contract he had made.

Danny didn’t care what the contract said or did - he just wanted to get it over with so he signed it without a care in the world. What he is know is that his dad had a witch cast magic upon this contract so that whoever signed this would become as the contract dictated. So, when Danny signed it, he started to change immediately.

His clothes changed to a construction workers and they grew bigger as his body’s muscles grew bigger. His mind was also being attacked with new memories of now having a wife and 2 newborn sons, going to church every day Sunday, doing manly things like fishing and playing sports, working for his father at his construction company, his liberal views changing to conservative, as well as sending any extra unneeded money to anti-lgbt companies. His hair changed from a colorfully dyed blue shoulder length to a very short brown and he started to stink a little from not having showered from having worked earlier.

After Daniel’s transformation finished, he finished business then went back to his apartment to move his and his wife’s things into the house he was raised in and was settling down in his new home to raise his sons the same way as his father did raise him.
