
Sacred Ceremony 2 night in Guatemala. Lifting the veil is always an enlightening experience. Expandi

Sacred Ceremony 2 night in Guatemala. Lifting the veil is always an enlightening experience. Expanding my awareness is love for all. @forlovebridal #plantmedicine #sacredceremony #liftingtheveil #loveofmylife (at Lake Atitlan Guatemala)

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✨ Daily Starseed Messages ✨You can’t take your fear with you into 5D. The time has come to,

✨ Daily Starseed Messages ✨

You can’t take your fear with you into 5D. The time has come to, as they say, let that shit go.

#mine #starseed #starseedmessages #lightworker #thestarseedoracle #rebeccacampbell #liftingtheveil ✨ (at Bogue Chitto, Mississippi)

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