#light entertainment


Day two of SacAnime had some fun commissions too. There were actually cosplayers doing Light Entertainment! I was so giddy for hours after that meeting, and getting a commission from the pair was the icing on that moment. <3

“Conversation”I haven’t drawn these two in awhile but I miss doing stuff with them T_T I intend to s


I haven’t drawn these two in awhile but I miss doing stuff with them T_T I intend to start my Magnus comic at some point this year when things lighten up.

I had a stupidly intense dream about Magnus and RGB last night that inspired this pic (just outta the blue), and I wish I remembered more details about the dream, because I was so into it. Work has been equally stupidly intense so even if I did remember the dream I dunno if I’d have time to draw it out in comic form, but I’ll figure something out.

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