#like a mere sentence would be more than enough



Summary: Nico di Angelo and Will Solace had just happened to be tucked into the same book store one Winter afternoon. After a book of chance brings them together, they are pleased to meet one another for the first time. 

Ship: Solangelo

Genre: Fluff, Mortal AU


 Book stores, a wonderful place to be on a brisk winter day. There is just something about them that seems to magically draw in people from the cold. This may be because of the warmth of the shop, the small shop cafe, or the delightful idea of reading while warming up.

Any one of these things could have been the reason Nico di Angelo and Will Solace happened to be there the same day.

The two didn’t even know each other. They had never met, nor have they ever heard the other’s name. Though in the rustic bookstore, they stood not even five feet apart, looking at shelves on opposite sides.

Nico wore a black jumper, sticking to his aesthetic while pampering the cooler weather. His new reading glasses, thin square frames, slipped down his nose as he scanned titles.

William didn’t see anything but the waves of books. He was at the shop to buy a last minute Christmas gift for one of his friends. He licked his fingers and scanned page after page. He was so engulfed in his book hunt that he did not notice the other boy in the aisle with him, nor did he notice him when the two were shoulder to shoulder.

The two boys reached for the same book. A small paperback with the image of a black haired boy. He was up to knees in water as an above-head storm brewed, a sword glew in his hand.

Feeling the contact between their hands, Will looked up to Nico, who in turn took his hand back.

“Oops, sorry.” Will spoke, realizing the other’s presence for the first time.

“Don’t worry about it,” Nico said, speaking with his hands.

Will picked up the book the two had reached for, “I guess this book is just popular, huh?” He turned the book in his hands, scanning the covers.

Nico shrugged, “I’ve heard it’s good. Though I heard some of the characters are a bit stiff. I haven’t gotten around to reading it though.”

Will glanced up from the hardcover. “You read a lot?”

“I enjoy reading, takes me a while to get through a book though.” Nico said.

“Why’s that?”

“I’m dyslexic, not too big of a deal, but it definitely doesn’t make things easier.”

Will smiled, “we have one thing in common then.”

Nico nodded, and then, “do you read a lot?”

Will mockingly widened his eyes, “I’m a med student. I read toomuch.”

Nico cocked up an eyebrow, “A doctor? Impressive. Tell me Doc, what are you doing in the children’s section?”

Will placed his hand in his hip, gesturing to a near by sign. “One:Young adult. Two: I can ask you the same thing. Three. I’m talking with a cute boy who I’m hoping isn’t weirded out by me.”

Nico laughed, his teeth shining through his smile. “Not in the slightest.” He stuck his hand out. “Nico.”

Will took it. “Nico, I like that. I’m Dr.Solace, but my friends call me Will.”

“Dr.Solace it is then.” Nico said, a gleam in his eye.

“Hey!” Will cried in mock offense. “That was cheap!”

Nico shrugged with his smile, “it was too good to let up.”

Will nodded as if pondering a piece of art. Nico spoke again, “So why are you in the young adult section?”

Will gestured to the books, “last minute gift shopping, and you?”

“Just browsing, I enjoy bookshops.” Nico said.

Will held up the book the two had both reached for. “You know what this book is good for?”

“What’s that?” Nico asked.

Will smiled, taking his chances, “it let me meet you.”

Nico’s eyes narrowed in a passive aggressive expression, though a smile played at his lips, “you’re lucky you’re cute.”

Will laughed, “you think I’m cute?”

Nico rolled his eyes, “oh god, we have ourselves a charmer.”

Will tapped the book with his fingers, “how about I go buy this, and then we go grab some food?”

Nico tapped his bottom lip, as if he was considering. “Let’s see here.” His voice trailed off.

“My treat,” Will offered.

“I’m free.” Nico decided.

The two laughed, Will grasped the two’s shared book firmly in his hands. Outside, a flurry had just began to coat the sidewalk. This was definitely a winter they were going to remember. 

If someone gave me feedback on this I will give you an eternity of love and respect
