#like big members of the fandom



honestly, the narnia fandom is the worst fandom that I’ve ever been part of. sure, I’ve been in fandoms with ship wars that get really nasty before, but narnia takes it to a whole new level. the amount of people that think it’s ok to be outright racist, homophobic, and antisemetic is absolutely disgusting, and it’s terrifying that these people feel able to take those awful beliefs and use them to attack other people. it takes a special kind of person to be so absolutely horrifying. these people are the scum of the earth and they don’t deserve any kind of respect. I sincerely hope that these people educate themselves and work hard to become better people.

many of these racist, homophobic, and antisemetic narnia fans are also christians (not all, though) so as a christian, too, I just want to say this: IT’S NOT OKAY!!!!! take a look at how you’re behaving and ask yourself, would Jesus condone your actions? or would he criticise you for not loving your neighbours and acting in the least christian way possible? and also, read up on cs lewis a bit more. he married a jewish woman and had a jewish stepson, and was perfectly accepting of that and loved them. he believed that gay people deserved respect and love, a radical notion at the time, and one of his main characters was a woc who was amazing and treated with the same respect as all of his other, white characters. I’m sure that cs lewis wouldn’t condone your actions, and I know for absolute sure that Jesus doesn’t.

anyway, I’m absolutely fed up of this fandom and the horrible people in it and I just want to make it absolutely clear that I don’t support any of those actions and my blog is a safe space for ALL minorities. if you’re one of the people who hold the horrid beliefs, please block me immediately.
