#like in world documents in universe objects


summer school chapter two <3

genuinely overall this wasn’t as painful as i remember it being. this is going to go by just the episode timeline my brain is far to sleepy to file these thoughts into coherent categories rn

bobbie’s opening had great music. i can say that. it also felt a little— simlish? and i’m not sure if that’s intentional, more on that later.
jennie’s intro also just feels so,, i hate to say lazy i do but the exposition of the scene itself is just so poorly written and then the following scene of her immediately not actually leaving i guess it’s just. it’s very weirdly set up and framed in my opinion and it could have been better

turning towards a positive note!! the costuming & wardrobe department is still SO good genuinely wholeheartedly they kill it every time, courtney is always in reds whites and blues at home and only ever has hints of yellow when she’s in school or in public, not sure if it’s intentional but even in this ep when she enters the garage she has a blue jacket over the shirt with hints of yellow n. idk it’s nice it’s attention to detail also the entire house is slowly becoming red white n blue. red couch. blue cushions. also court still has little star motifs in her clothing which i adore

courtney is characterised so well this ep honestly i really enjoyed it. “only after you asked her to” !!! that is My courtney whitmore. yes thank u that’s all i liked this i wish we could have seen her say it but i thrive with the knowledge it happened. also brec love of my life is just. she gets courtney!! so much!!! i love her
meg delacy is the other stunner of the episode she just. she takes my breath away in any scene she’s in truly she’s an incredible actress

doubling back to the simlish thing. i think a lot of things in this ep can be argued are included out of cliche satire, an attempt to recreate the 50′s diner america vibe, or just. a need to make things happen in the quickest way possible. im hoping a lot of it isn’t that last one. pat’s “i don’t think i’ve seen you around here before” to shade could genuinely go any way it’s like a perfect third splitsies
and here’s the . i know i’m early on in the season as well so i know it could just be an arc style / trope i’m not clicked on to yet but there are some smart moments in here like jdr is an incredibly smart writer !! when jennie cooks breakfast and barbara says “that sounds like fun!” in her mom-encouraging way and jennie is just silent like . it’s well paced and framed, other parts of the episode such as jennie’s first on screen conversation & pat’s and shade’s first on screen interaction feel almost shoehorned and sideways despite their “comic” quality. looking back i don’t know if it’s necessarily a bad thing but it’s jarring in a very specific cw-esque way that i can’t shake. >:/

overall though genuinely i . i know i elaborate more on the conversational topics which tend to be the negative controversials but i did enjoy the episode it was good and jdr did well. this was fun i might write more of these
