#like these kids think ppl are having raw sex in the streets




Do people realize they don’t have to go to pride? Like, there is absolutely no legal obligation for you to go to pride. If the thought of seeing a leather man or someone in a harness or a pup makes makes you so uncomfortable you want to weep, just don’t go. If you don’t think you’ll feel safe there, don’t go. Stay the fuck home. It’s okay to not go to pride. Doesn’t matter if you have sensory issues or trauma or whatever, it’s your fucking decision, dude. Stop arguing with people on the internet and think “hmm, maybe I shouldn’t go to a pride parade, maybe that is a situation I can’t handle” and then avoid it like a sane, rational, and mature adult.

Pride is loud. It’s often crowded. There are many, many, people there doing their own thing. You cannot control them. You cannot predict how they will act. If this bothers you, don’t go. I’m autistic. There are certain environments I cannot enter and instead of saying they need to shut down the club or turn the lights on, I just don’t go.
