#like yeah i get creeped out


Insert girl don’t do it audio here

I not gonna do it.

Wait a week or two for the I did it follow up post.


Riddle me this Batman?! I am seriously considering buying a pet jumping spider?

Like. Wtaf.

Spoodblr has done a good job desensitizing me, but Emily Hess and her lil robomuppets on tiktok are overwhelming me with cute.

This is as bad as the parrot fever I had a few years ago. Fortunately my conscience would not allow me to buy an animal with a 12-24 year life span (the linneolated parakeets I had fixated on were shorter lived than most) whose needs are complex and messy and loud.

Jumping spider live for 1 to 2 years tops. They aren’t as terrifying looking or intimidating as tarantulas, they max out at 2inches, so their tanks are tiny - some hobbyists drill tiny holes in plastic food storage containers as a cheap and easy solution. I would love to be able to bring it to the preschool. Upkeep costs are minimal and if I end up really not digging it, maximum commitment is 2 years, and they aren’t something that needs tons of interactive attention and handling.

Plus look at that face!

Spider folks refer to them as the cats of the arachnid world.

My only real concern is to make sure I have a setup where Egg cannot get to the enclosure because that would be an expensive amuse-bouche for cats.
