
Merry Calibration, Exalted friends!  I participated in the Exalted Secret Santa hosted by @shiftingp

Merry Calibration, Exalted friends!  I participated in the Exalted Secret Santa hosted by @shiftingpath (thanks for organizing us all, Path!).  

My chosen recipient @akaittou had a lot of interesting characters, but this lady caught my eye!  She is a Linowan noble and Eclipse Caste named The Wind Which Sways the Cattails Growing in the Last Meander Before the Rapids Flowing Past Two Flowers in Bloom and her mink companion.  I couldn’t resist drawing my favorite Caste!

Created in Photoshop with a little pose help from Queen Werandra on DeviantART.  I’m looking forward to seeing which one of my brainchildren was chosen for a gift this year!

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