#literally changed my life



i love that post thats like “never trust how you feel about your life after 9pm” that shit changed my life. every time i feel bad i look at the clock and i’m like Aha It’s 10:26 PM You Cannot Fucking Fool Me

onlydoll:thenearsightedmonkey:By Lynda Barry  May 2016 This makes me cry onlydoll:thenearsightedmonkey:By Lynda Barry  May 2016 This makes me cry onlydoll:thenearsightedmonkey:By Lynda Barry  May 2016 This makes me cry onlydoll:thenearsightedmonkey:By Lynda Barry  May 2016 This makes me cry



By Lynda Barry  May 2016

This makes me cry

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xmcu moira + 616 moira in conversation study materials ‍

(aware of the usage of the oppositional gaze: black female spectatorship seeming strange for moira for obvious reasons, but its inclusion is not re: the overall context of that essay, but the sentiment about gaze in general expressed in that excerpt. also i am black + gender-marginalized and my very engagement with x-men media is entrenched in oppositional gaze THEREFORE….to blorbo-from-shows-ify this excerpt can only EXEMPLIFY bell hooks’ point in the oppositional gaze…………..im clinically insane btw)
