#literally me




Everyone else’s music taste sucks but mine *Plays the worst song you’ve heard on your entire life*

The funniest person in this entire post


the year is 2013


*eats pussy* for latvia…



i could never be in the army what if my stomach hurt

what if my stomach hurt and they made us run around. i would kill myself


tiktok screenshot edited to read: "one thing about me is i will always open and read the comments. i am a huge nosy bitch. there are not many bad days that cannot be fixed with a fun snoop. i love all types of comments. reading strangers' conversations is my favourite hobby."ALT


I go to goth taco bell and I order the bauhaus blast


I;m critical of alllllllll my interests including reading sleeping eating taking a shower etc. I take a nap and then I wake up and go that nap was so problematic and gross lmao dni if you nap uncritically


I just wish I could learn every language and all the histories and about everyone’s food and folklore and… but i only have one brain and it is small and malfunctioning


love is so insane, it makes me want to build things. someone i love could say they’re tired & wanna sit & my first thought would be “ill learn woodworking so i can build them a chair”


love rebloggin 20 things out of nowhere at once then leaving


i do not ghost purposely i just have no idea what to say ever


Not everything is about Frankenstein but it could be

hijerking: ramisus-christ: why is this you @hijerking the most relatable post…… i nearly crashed my hijerking: ramisus-christ: why is this you @hijerking the most relatable post…… i nearly crashed my



why is this you @hijerking

the most relatable post…… i nearly crashed my bike into a car today because i was looking at a golden retriever

Post link


me trying to express how I feel: Idk I just feel like…idk…idk…idk man. Nvm I’m good.


Aries: is both the protagonist & antagonist of their own life
Taurus:constantly torn between what they want and what they need
Gemini:doesn’t know how to function without stimulation
Cancer:they make “homes” out of people, and relies on others rather than themselves for a sense of security.
Leo:seeseveryoneas a threat or competition
Virgohas an all-consuming fear of insignificance and lacking in all forms (major preoccupation with proving their worth)
Libra:frequently loses their sense of self (by tending to define themselves by their friends & the people they surround themselves with)
Scorpio:extreme distrust in not only others but also in themselves, seeing their emotions & obsessions as treacherous
Sagittarius:has bouts of overwhelming loneliness and emptiness (and will do anything to fill the void)
Capricorn:can’t handle failure, it feels like the end of the world to them
Aquarius:has an existential crisis every other week
Pisces: constantly waiting for something to happen, having absurdly high hopes & therefore getting them crushed over and over again.
