#literally no disagreement from me



I know some people wanted all new characters but I can’t help but feel like the people complaining about the ExU characters (in earnest, not just saying, aw, not what I wanted, but those genuinely angry they “are being forced” to watch ExU now or whatever) are shockingly entitled. Matt had said that the players who are continuing with those PCs decided they would prefer to after playing ExU. Even with as extensive and impressive as The Critical Role Extended Universe™️ is now, it is literally still their game that they have invited us into, and as long as Crit Role continues to be completely free (or “pay what you want,” if you want to be really pedantic), I think it’s ridiculous for people to ever expect them to sacrifice their enjoyment for basically any reason. Not to mention it would literally ruin the show, but seeing into their game is still a privilege and not a right.

And I won’t even touch the complaints about Sam and Taliesin playing characters with “he/they” pronouns. People can play characters with whichever pronouns they want regardless of their own gender identity and pronouns, I am begging you to go outside.
