#little green men


Discovering signs of extraterrestrial life in the universe has been a highly sought-after field of inquiry throughout much of scientific history. Finding other life forms, whether they’re microscopic or similar to us, would undoubtedly revolutionize many areas of science and how we understand our place in the cosmos. While no real evidence has been found supporting the existence of extraterrestrial life, there are quite a few institutions dedicated to the search—and that search is continuing to get bigger.

The SETI Institute, one of the pillar institutions for the search, is ramping up its efforts by funding a variety of new initiatives…Continue Reading 

The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet - 1966 Scholastic Books adaptation of the original child

The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet - 1966 Scholastic Books adaptation of the original children’s sci-fi novel by Eleanor Cameron (1954). Illustration adaption by Robert Henneberger.

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